
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. i dont know how many times ive addressed this but since the start of the week i believe there has been no HIGH jump on the server, its just normal jump height. Any fix / reason?



    p.s. if lossy did reply to me i didnt see it hence the topic 




  2. I will stay with cod4 for as long as servers live, if what I think will happen I'll stay, but if it doesn't happen I'll move into other servers


    this, i played on pxg and FNRP and hated them both, raid was unique...

    I might start playing promod again publically (normally get called hacker and banned -;- or cj.


    Anyways, ill miss the ts3 and the raid forums the most. I guess we will have to move on to more nab servers :3


    Also. If anyone from raid decides to make a new community / clan i would happily be a part of it :)


  3. ofc everyone here will be like pc master race, but meh idc


    I have an xbox 360, xbox 1 and a solid nice PC.




    I enjoy PC gaming a lot for other games than FPS shooters, e.g. WoW, LoL, Dota, building games etc and i enjoy the community part of PC gaming however, i enjoy my xbox's just as much, xboxs are cheaper than ur $500+ custom built PC's which can play the same games at roughly the same quality, u can interact with the community and talk to friends just like teamspeak or forums, u can access the internet (although it is shit) and basically do the majority.


    another thing i prefer about consoles. when u have friends over or actually enjoy a social life and people do visit u in 2+ people groups then ur hardly all gonna gather round a PC and take it in turns on DR, so the console is better for this having up to 8 controllers available e.g. for fifa ;)


    There is no answer to this, its opinion orientated. 

    I love my PC and the things i do on it e.g. editing and gaming yet i love my xbox for social play and trickshotting (something legit impossible on PC)




  4. note: can i just say pipeline was a huge hit with the community on the fun server, everyone liked it and the votes where all on it so gj for adding it,


    on that note for deh fun server admins there is a spot on the roof above the mounted machine gun where TWO "boxes" can be entered but not seen out of, which me and @@Bear thought to be glitches as you cant be seen in but you can shoot out of. 


    on top of this building vvv




    Other than that gg


  5. Shouldn't the regular players on the server have an impact on the matter?

    Although Bear is admin, seems bit unfair to change FUN server based on one player's opinion (Jump height)

    Perhaps Thomas could add separate vote plugin for FUN server to see if players want to keep it as is, or change it

    Or main FUN server players that are registered on the site can give their opinions as well


    We already have the voting system on maps which is ok atm, but if the same maps are constantly being replayed then it needs to be changed e.g. on black ops 2 "you cant vote for this map because it was played previously" or something.


    this will take time and thought :D
