
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. as the other nublets said when u are ingame (any server) do 




    it will say "your name" has been put into the group user 


    then do !regtest to get your b3id (itll be the numbers after the @ symbold) 




  2. If any of you are movie finactics like myself i thought this would be a very interesting topic, there is a revolution in cinema now and this man is in the process of finishing the first POV ( point of view ) shot movie, take a look at his other video (which im sure uve seen) and then look at his trailer for the next full length movie and discuss!







    IMO this will be an amazing movie to see and will completely change the movie industry.


  3. Hey guys so you havent seen me around as much or active on really anything, so im gonna explain whats happening :


    first, my PC video card burnt out, so i bought a new better one but it took time to arrive obviously,


    second, i am struggling to find time to play games now - as many of you can relate to school is getting hard. im in my last year at college before i leave meaning all my big big exams are coming, more assignments, projects and over all more pressure.


    Ive been trying to balance my time on gaming, social life and work but at the moment work is on over load.


    I hope to be back and playing very soon, even if im only online for an hour or so.


    So yeah, kinda explains my inactivity / why i havent been on a lot :3




    missing my nooblets on ts3 :3 + i dont want this inactivity to affect my admin trial, i am obviously still continuing on as a trial even though my inactivity hasnt been the best in the last week or two
