
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. When did Topper make you that?


    I asked topper to make it for him, because im kindddd :D


    anyways, i dont speak to u or see u on ts3 that was just my statement, im on every day most of the day speaking to a lot of people except darmuh lossy etc and im just saying i havent spoken to u ! Anyways, i agree with bear.


    and again, good luck


  2. Good guy, awesome at gfx and active, but does that make him a good admin? im not being negative on HIS account or any other application im just stating facts, has he proved to be a good admin? just my opinion so no hate at all ples.


    edit: he is also 13, breaking rule of applying (idk if the exception will be made for him) and i havent seen him on ts3 a lot, i think the most important fact is that just because he is good at GFX doesnt mean he will be the best admin


    Good luck my friend, i wish u the best i honestly do! i dont think my comments are too negative towards you.




  3. this one time I was walking when I saw two hobos fighting in the back of a Denny's parking lot, then Bill Nye exclaimed, "There's a snake....." while pumping a radioactive pump, meanwhile a huge throbbing heartbeat that could shoot Seabass, started shooting Seabass because he ate the special seabass diamond which was located in a woman's purse that was heavily loaded with Uzis and marshmellows with chocolate sauce. Suddenly, a hungry Bear died because he ate the grass which had  been exposed to bio-hazardous dog shit. I then went
