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Posts posted by Twix

  1. lol download cod4 from torrents and legalize your copy with cdkey


    I tried and it rejected my cd key but I think it might've been because the game was already cracked



    i ain't paying to ship a game :c


    Is okay I'm just being lazy


    I'll post my desktop when I get back because I feel semi-responsible for derailing the thread



    @@Twix i5-6500 is ok, but you could have taken 4690k to get more performance for a little less $$$ :dave:


    Retrospectively I wish I had done that but everything works fine (and low temps) so not too beat up about it.




    to all people considering skylake because of DDR4: DON'T (unless you're planning to get a K cpu)!, DDR4-2133 is slower & costs more than DDR3-1600 due to a much higher clock latency and 2133 is all you can use with locked CPUs


    Didn't realize that, possibly why I got the RAM as cheap as I did.

    I could still OC with the i5-6500 if I haven't got the BIOS update, correct?
