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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. >Implying me in my laziness would upload it as soon as he gave it to me


    >Topic says he already fixed all the problems

    >Assumed "why can't he just send me the patch now" 

    >Didn't see a problem with it because he didn't say he still needed to fix things

    *All known bugs are now fixed, if you find one please report it to me on Steam*

    > Turns out he still has stuff to fix

    >Says he'll send it when he's done





    >Lossy asks "so why are you asking him for link?"

    >Forgets I'm one of the CM's of Raid and needs to upload it

    >Forgets that in order to receive the file from Synd for me to upload it, I need a download link first

    >Lossy is a betafag 

    >Greentext wins

    >TFW, zozzle, MFW, NSFW, TIFU, MRW


    #LossyGotRekt2K16 :troll:


  2. Manu works differently as it's work as a database it would use php scripting.


    Wrong button :dave:.....


    But yes what he said, but remember that B3 works as a Database as well. But manu is ALOT easier since it's gsc scripting and not Python


  3. i'm going to assume in the upcoming days he'll give you the download and you'll upload it and that's how the patch will be live on the server? so why are you asking him for link? 


    troll did a bosnian(didn't use his common sense)  :dave:




  4. I think you mean that BraXi made zombies as a trap, when you jumped somewhere down and zombies came out of the caves/holes and you had to kill them for like a half minute? And after that a ladder came down with a nice little earthquake and sound effect, I think it's this map:




    Also BraXi had a map with a huge generator thing that you could teleport with a timelapse effect



  5. Ok so the map is gonna be like this:


    It will be prison-ish, but minimum.


    Map is based on decissions, choose to live or to die. For example, you take this door, you will die or go into that direction, you could end up falling in a gap and die or I will say jump here and he will die, or splitsing ways etc.


    Any idea's for my map idea are welcome, don't make it too hard for me as I'm a nubie mapper xD
