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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Ok, I live in medway, (which is a chavy area) I used to be involved in a group just like those kids, 1. If one of us was in trouble, we helped each other out, there have been multiple times where my mates have saved me, 2. The fighting could be real or play, we used to do that, it was NEVER serious, I've been saved from being stabed (not pun intended) by my mates, some real shit did happen. Fights between our group/another persons group, really though, it's all just games at the end of the day, Take it from someone who's been in groups exactly like that. 


    I don't understand this part, "Take it from someone who's been in groups exactly like that".


    And, for some of you. I didn't said there are no true friends there are some true friends but mostly not. The only true friend is your own brother or sister or dad or mom NO one else mostly. You can't even trust your family correctly like your uncle etc. I don't say this is always, but I say what can happen or whats sometimes.


  2. It's down to that and the people they socialise with. Although I agree with you on the majority of what you said 


    Parenting has to do it with socialise aswell, like who are his friends exactly from my kid? are they good or bad? or middle?


    A parrent or Parents, needs to teach their kids as first that a friend is not a friend when he does bad things and that it is not a good person inside and outside. Etc


  3. King Kong is a fantastic film and one of my favorite movies. 


    Also it's alright if you cry in a sad movie.


    But my tip is that if you cry in a movie and someone sees you, tell them you had dirt in your eyes  :ph34r:


    Lmfao, the standard excuse hahah


  4. That is play fighting lol, you probably think play fighting is something like 'tango'ing your friend.


    Unfortunately there's not many true friends in this world. I simply trust nobody (:


    Didn't saw the fully play fight :p, In the beginning it went rough a bit then I skipped that part, but I watched again and it was just a play fight what you said :P



    And btw... some kids these days.. they think they are some grow up majors lmfao.. I did arm wresteling with my little brother who is 11 and I'm 17, I know that I win easily from him so I said use your 2 arms with your whole body to beat me while I use 1 arm, and I win still easily lol. Same thing as my dad, I use 2 arms to him and he wins like I used with 1 arm lol.


    What I try to say is that these kids now a days think they are something and + strong, but when they are in problems they are scared as fuck and gets probaly beat down with 1-2 punches or just a kick on their ass and lets him free to run away.


    I call this BAD PARENTING for these kids like this.


  5. 1. You hear stories in the news and surprisingly chavs have took damage for eachother.

    2. Play fighting

    3. True

    4. Everyone has been talked about by their friends, fact.


    1. A true friend will mostly help you out when he can, stories or not this is what I said


    2. That is not play fighting thats just fighting. Play fighting is totaly different


    4. Yes talked, but HOW.. You know that people can talk behind their back with full of hate+jealousness. For example:



    Friend 1 and friend 2 are two "good" friends. Friend 1 goes to another friend, they 2 talk behind the back of friend 2, they are talking about his good looking girlfriend (jealousness). Those 2 said, they are going to say to his girlfriend that he had sex with a another girl and will give a phonenumber of their girls and that girl plays the act with them. 


    See? this is what I mean with number 4.


  6. If you think about it, today's present will become the past. I predict that when I'm old, I'm just going to look back at the past (today's present) and just feel shamelessness and embarrassment because of these self centered individuals causing havoc and stress on adults in today's day in age. Their respect for each other is one thing, but for other people out of their "circle" e.g us, they have no respect for. They wind me up.


    Let me teach you something and for others aswell.


    These people like this, they don't give ANY SHIT about their "friends" and the people out of their circle.


    1. Is he prepared to catch a bullet up for you?


    2. Why are some people fighting each other if they are friends? and with fighting I don't mean play fighting, you got some really stupid dumb people who fights real for fun or just to see who is "stronger" to show to other people..


    3. If they get a problem what you did nothing they will blame you


    4. They will talk behind your back




    I understand rightnow what you ment Pixel by the first post when I saw the video of the 2 kids.


  7. My issue is not speed but latency.  I think ISPs do it on purpose.   I live in a province/state that has 2 major ISPs and if I run a server on my home connection and my next door neighbor who is on the other ISP there is 80ms of latency between us which is ridiculous.  Even more ridiculous my speedtest server is 1200miles away and I get less latency LOL.   I've also never been able to connect to any game server with a ping response less than 65ms.  The ISPs here tend to care about maximizing profits and not upgrade their network so that their routers are not so overloaded.  Its worst near the end of August when college/university starts




    Thats only what I can say lol


  8. You may think this can work simply, but you forget that in order to put together a new set of endround/endmap songs we have to first splice the songs for the right times and then upload the new sounds IWD to the server and redirect. Then we have to restart the server and everyone has to download a new 12-20MB IWD. Now sure with my better than average internet this doesn't affect me and requires at the most 2-3 hours of work, but it sure does affect players on the server. Not everyone has the best download speeds and if we were to force new songs each week it'd be hell for those with poor downloads.


    Also, that's still quite a lot of work on our end. Not only would we have to do the above, we'd have to set up and moderate a topic for changing them. Wouldn't you rather us focus on the mod at hand rather than spend our time changing the songs weekly?


    The music will change, but not weekly. You best think more in terms of bi-monthly/monthly, as this way clients don't have to download as much and we may have time to focus on other things in between. You are welcome to suggest music, but ultimately we will pick songs based off of replayability, longevity, and of course personal preference.


    TL;DR In theory this sounds cool, but in practice it'll just cause loss of work time and more people having to download more stuff.


    I prefer to change the songs every half year (so every 3-4 months)


  9. Juan: Oliver Heldens X Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) 1:05 -> 1:18 (13Seconds :>)

    2: Avicii vs Nicky Remeo - I Could be the One 1:32 -> 1:45?

    3: Avicii (Feat. NERVO) - You're Gonna Love Again (Extended Mix) 7:20 -> 7:33 (Yes iknow it links to a megamix, It sounds higher quality on that one :D)

    4: [Electro] - Pegboard Nerds - Disconnected 1:03 -> 1:06 (You might recognise this :3)


    Little Addition :3 Laszlo - Fall To Light [NoCopyrightSounds Release] 1:40 --> 1:53


    You got the same music taste as me :D


  10. well , braxi the second guy who tried to fix it ( The server guy over at my brothers work ) and he said he had tried all of that and it didn't work :( so yeah ... i've ordered a new harddrive and a new cdplayer so i should be back onto my pc soon guys <3 fresh start hey !


    Don't you got any backup mapsource files? On mediafire or Mega etc?


    And by the way, buy a SSD.. the best HDD what you can get is a SSD. I know they are a bit expensive but still.. get a 500GB, you will pay it once to it so I don't see the problem in it.


    On the SSD one all of your personal stuff like mapping and buy a HDD for gaming only and for movies etc for the crap stuff. Simply to make 2 parts.
