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About BigTekker

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/16/00

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  • Skype

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  1. damn im so annoyed that i didn't get admin
  2. sorry guys i have been away i have been competing for skiing i pretty disappointed with my effort i came 29 for GS and 55 for SkierX

    1. Twix


      i dont know what those mean but they sound nice so good job!

    2. Purity
  3. Thanks all of you for giving me feedback on my admin form if you would like to give some feed back about me it is in the admin application thank no hate stay great Tekker

  4. That's good I beging to worrie about deathrun, cj, ts and the website
  5. Hey guys sorry I haven't been on laterly It is because I been away at my farm probs coming back tomorrow or the next day
  6. Hello and welcome your face to the forums if you need any gfx I'm happy to make you a logo or a background
  7. Good luck you derverve it
  8. good luck m8 u really deserve admin you always friendly to me and help me out
  9. my Skype is monte.kellet1 if u want gfx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigTekker


      u sure coz my Skype is monte.kellett1 and Monte|Tekka

    3. Pixel


      do you have a portfolio?

    4. BigTekker


      yeah i just havnt uploaded i a while cos i been away

  10. hey guys anyone need some gfx?

  11. Good luck I away see u online and talk to u bit amd ur really nice
  12. Hey guys I was just wondering how do you set up a deathrun server on Mac so I can play with my friends in aus ?
  13. One of my fav non admin on the server
  14. Good guy to play dr with just maybe be a bit more active