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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Please don't hurt me :cry:
  2. Dye beard white or change name!! :angryarnold:
  3. Am I banned from Shoutbox? :O If so, why? :P

  4. 98*th :dave:
  5. You got me interested in CS:GO... I want to say I will forever be thankful for that but my love for the game has gone out of control. To the point where I am too, sitting in my parents house playing video game(s) all day ;_; (only I'm allowed to :P ) Even after that silly attempt at giving you a present, I owe you a lot. The few times I've hopped on Deathrun servers around the world I've had the pleasure of playing some of your maps. All of which have been a joy to play and I know many others feel the same way. I can't say I will miss your YouTube videos since you hardly ever post them ^^ but the ones you did I really enjoyed and think you have a talent for entertaining. Good luck with your adventure, only good things can come from it. I just hope it isn't easy for you because you'll learn ten times more than if it were a smooth path. Why can't I ever keep things short? .__.
  6. I care... If her age isn't on the clock then we have problems :kappa:
  7. Was there really a need to include "no idea who you are"? Just wish him a happy birthday if you actually care and want him to have... a happy day and get on with your life. There's also a neat forum feature that let's you see when the thread was posted so you know when his Birthday was :P
  8. Bah, you're forgiven. Age is a small thing in comparison to how you act and you certainly don't act younger than 18 (most of the time :P ) I might as well strike while the iron is hot too ^^ I "came out" on SFS some time ago but didn't think anyone cared enough about me on Raid to bother posting anything. I'm sure many of you smelled a rat instantly, I'm horrifically immature for 18 because I am in fact only 16 years of age :( Hope no one hates me for my sins because, like Waffles, I obviously didn't do it to spite anyone, I was just afraid of being judged according to my age...
  9. Happy Birthday, enjoy your day and eat shit loads of schnitzels because why not ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )
  10. Hi

    Nice introduction but you're going to have to explain to me and a few others what soccer is... :daveunicorn:
  11. Sure, there is a certain level of professionalism needed to maintain Raid's healthy image... ...but fuck it, just promote Anti and Sentrex already, they're clearly both suited to the job like nobody else! Use your new rank to the fullest when you are :D
  12. I would think you're better suited to Lead Admin with your incredible ability to maintain order and resolve arguments. (Or even more so suited to CM) But I can understand you wanting to widen your skill set and of course give Beatthat some Purple company. And there's obviously nothing stopping you from continuing what you do already if when you become a SM. Don't need no good luck but watevr :>
  13. Any Americans live in/near Oregon?

  14. If you're talking about the guy that now makes CS YouTube videos... its just you :<
  15. What on earth is a sharpie?? Not everyone speaks 'Murican :kappa:
  16. Mekelek boosting for all your boosting needs.

  17. /r/AskRaid
  18. Not mad at all! Far from it but I realise how it could have been too harsh <3 Edit: I wrote this prior to opening the spoiler .__.
  19. You and your generalisations... not everyone likes milk with their tea and not everyone likes syrup on their pancakes! And besides, I wouldn't mind either with or without even if I didn't like it so what's the point in asking yes or no? .__. Yes for me anyway, though I don't see the point :/ Would you trust a few scientists with your life and let them "freeze" your body and let you back into the world at an arranged date in the future? (Theoretically preserving your body)
  20. That's actually a really nice vid, well made.
  21. No Would you drink tea with milk and... *gasp* sugar?
  22. Gratz http://m.imgur.com/a/SjcgE
  23. And you know this how?
  24. Think it's the new TFGH setup :kappa: