
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Beatthat

  1. hmm, looks like a texture, try it with "color_red" at Textures > Usage > Tools, or create a custom textures :) Edit: Or do it like lossy said o.o
  2. I really like the traps, you should put more red lights at the lava areas though.. to make it look more realistic :P Kinda like sm_world:
  3. Awesome :) might have a reason to make a tdm map now :o
  4. /* Update */ Haven't really scripted that much yet, 4 traps are done currently. I'm planning to add atleast 2 or 3 unique endrooms. Here's a little video... don't complain about the quality, i just cba to upload a hd video with my shitty upload speed, oh and excuse the music, i was listening to my youtube playlist.
  5. Wow. Really sad to see you go... :/ best of luck in real life and other stuff :)
  6. I vote yes. As Darmuh said, let's try it for a few weeks to a month and see how it goes.
  7. Correct, and unlike the version that ratzee made, there's a sign at the beginning which gives credit to the original map creator 'Map made by Target Practice, Ported by Beatthat'
  8. Damn... get well soon =)
  9. I use that software to create new materials, to edit the model, so i can fit my materials on it, and to rename the model name itself or else it would fuck up the original deagle :p
  10. Gratz.
  11. I didn't clean my desktop either ^^ I clean it as soon as it kinda gets a mess.
  12. :/ Sad to see you leave, good luck irl
  13. Congratulations!
  14. Good, I've missed them up and down votes ^^
  15. yeah look at my team ^^
  16. Absch. stands for Abschüsse, you pronounce it kinda like that: Ab - shusse, ü = ue... but I guess that's kinda hard to pronounce for ya'll lol
  17. What's the point of making a v2 if v1 isn't even finished? If it's your first then I'd say don't release it, never release your first map ( goes to everyone out there ), i made 3 basic maps before I've released my first map to the public. Below you can see a list of what I don't like, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just to make this clear. Ok let's start... I really have to agree with @QueNNch, this map looks rushed, Traps and Textures are bad, Brushes are inside of eachother.. You didn't even bother to fix the lighting problem, no reflection probes in the sniper room, + this... - Textures look pretty bad to be honest with ya - No reflection probes in the sniper room - Only 5 Traps? yeah it's small but there're other small maps like sm_v2 and those have 10+ traps. + I really don't like any of the traps, First and Third trap is just a nonsolid floor , Second moves up and down Fourth rotates and the last one are spikes that move up - You obviously fucked up the light grid, the map is fullbright and has rainbow models.
  18. There, just got that... 30 - 0 no heli or airstrike only 1 uav.
  19. sexy Why dont ya just set the ammo to 0 and after like 1 - 2 seconds you can give them their old ammo amount back :p i think that'd be better but whatever ;o
  20. "Can you fix it?" I've never seen anyone else with that problem ( unless they have a wooden pc ) , so it's most likly a problem on your end, therefor, we can't do anything. On what maps do you have this fps problem?
  21. Darksoul posted the same thing yesterday... and that's my reply
  22. hhhhhhhhhhokay
  23. l2 downlaod c++ runtime components It's not Gabe's fault^^
  24. Nice app, good luck.