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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. Maps I'd like to see:






    Maps I'd like to get removed:


    Bloc, I don't like the way it plays, also the balcony campers are annoying.

    Chinatown, I don't like the way it plays.

    Winter Crash, It's the same as the original crash, means that I don't really see a point in having two same maps in the rotation.


  2. when i want to load or save position, i have to spam the key for it to work :angryarnold:


    You can change the bind to save and load your position to whatever you want in the options > binds menu.




    when I'm using it, I jump and it bugs me higher, it works but it's not 'smooth'.


    It depends on the ping, not possible to fix.


    Btw, if anyone can't vote, here are the binds.


    To vote yes: /bind key openscriptmenu cjvote cjvoteyes

    To vote no: /bind key openscriptmenu cjvote cjvoteno


  3. Since when was going out the map against server rules?



    Rule #2No Going Under Any Map!

    Rule #3Don't use spots within or outside the map that give you a massive advantage!


    That's the only rules about going outside the map, so some one please tell me where I have made going outside the map is not allowed as an official rule?




    Funny thing is that the ingame !rules command tells me and all the other players on the server something different


    This pic tells me that glitching in general isn't allowed, yes, it might not give you an advantage, but still, it's glitching, I don't kill players unless they're under the map, or in a spot where nobody can see / kill them.


  4. Come on...we can go out of map and on the current...


    But guess what? That's not allowed, read the rules. I'll fix those bugs soon.


    Showdown might come soon, since i've fixed all bugs there. I dunno about Killhouse, would require me to spawn collision on the roof, so nobody can go out of map.


  5. having the ability to flash jumpers behind you is a great idea. puts a spin on being first. :>


    That's exactly why it's a bad idea to have those teleporters in that map, people that are not that good at deathrun or just started playing it, are going to get flashed every few seconds.
