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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. Wow. 


    5 Prestiges and I still haven't hit level 80 yet... rip


    But this update is gonna be great, Good Job to everyone that worked on this!

    Was talking to lossy about that haha, I'm here since a few months before the first big raid dr update came out and I'm still only lvl 62 ( jan 2014 when it got updated )


    The reason why i don't play much anymore is because it takes ages to rank up and to unlock new shit. Got boring imo but whatever, people seem to complain alot when they reach max rank, and it apparently is easier to tell who hacked his / her rank


  2. Don't think cross platform is a great idea, unless it gets added to games where no aiming is invovled. Would also work great in coop, for example zombies


    Also, like i already said on your status update, bo3 probably won't have cross-platform support: 




    tbh i don't really care about windows 10


    The only real reason why I'll go over to win10 is because win7 doesn't get updated anymore and won't have dx12 support.


    However, it looks pretty good from the images, haven't checked the stuff that's new in win10




  3. Would like to see infected be a bit more mw3 like. Like: hud elements, specialist killstreaks etc...


    Also, wouldn't be too bad of an idea to add some kind of sharpshooter countdown to infected, so people stop complaining about not having enough ammo.


    Talking about "every 60 seconds everyone gets a random weapon" good thing about it is that infected still have a good chance of winning because you could still get a shit gun, for example an rpg with 2 rockets or a pistol


    All in all, I'd rather see a 24/7 mw3 infected server instead of party games ( but that is because mw3 was my fav gamemode in mw3 and I'm not the biggest fan of the others )


    mw3 gsc's are released somewhere, so you can get them and take a look at the infect.gsc file for the hud and stuff


    Edit: That's kinda what I'm talking about:


    Did that a year ago, but forgot to back it up before i reinstalled windows :/


  4. Yea to all 3 of them, tbh I just want new maps because I'm not the biggest fan of the current rotation atm.


    It's always the same maps when i join the server. Not even maps that i like but that are overplayed for some reason, but i guess to each their own.


    Rotation will hopefully get mixed up with new maps in the next big update which will be very soon. I wish people would still be making active maps like 2 - 3 years ago on the braxi forum. Also, Destiny_v2 and an updated Tribute will also be added in the next update.


  5. you'll have to include this item in the mod.csv and precache it in the gsc file since it's not a stock weaponfile. Same with the other files that are missing, so for xmodels it would be: xmodel,viewmodel_test ( xmodel and xanims don't have to be precached in the gsc, they just have to be called in the mod.csv )







    gsc file ( should be called from the main function )


    precacheItem( "beretta2023r_mp" );



    Also, make sure the weaponfile is called beretta2023r_mp and add it your iwd to the weapons/mp folder


    Not sure if everything's right, since I never add new weaponfiles to anything because of engine limits


  6. Wiener Schnitzel!


    "Wiener Schnitzel (Viennese Schnitzel in German, where Schnitzel means a cutlet without bones) is a traditional Austrian dish and is a popular part of Viennese and Austrian cuisine, consisting of a thin slice of veal coated in breadcrumbs and fried. In Austria the dish is traditionally served with a lemon slice, lingonberry jam and either potato salad or potatoes with parsley and butter. While the traditional Wiener Schnitzel is made of veal, it is now sometimes made of pork, though in that case it is often called Schnitzel Wiener Art (Germany) (Viennese style schnitzel) or Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein (Austria) (Viennese schnitzel from the pig) to differentiate it from the original. In Austria, the term Wiener Schnitzel is protected by law, and any schnitzel called by that name has to be made from veal.[1] The dish may have originated in Milan, northern Italy, as cotoletta alla milanese, and may have appeared in Vienna during the 15th or 16th century. According to another theory, it was introduced in 1857 by Field Marshal Radetzky, who spent much of his life in Milan. The term Wiener Schnitzel itself dates to at least 1862."




    I usually just eat it with ketchup and fries  ^_^






  7. Could try to redownload them from moddb and reinstall it in a clean cod4 directory, that's where i got them from atleast.

  ( Modtools itself ( Version 1.0 ) ) ( And the 1.1 Patch, gotta drag the files over to your modtools directory after you installed version 1.0 )

    Also, got that from after a google search:

    "after that everything was fine i worked on map for like 6 hours then when i saved it and quit it, after that i could not open it at all
    all i get is this error
    FATAL ERROR: Couldn't load material '$default'
    GetLastError() = 3
    An reco......blah bla
    Please help 
    google was not good  i could not find anything
    i just needed to change this in preference
    when i stop using load last project on open everything was just fine"



  8. Think it was some kind of virus that fucked with my harddrive space because i only had 13mb free space when i started my pc ( was 100 gb the day before ) also had lots of shit on it and if that virus wouldn't have been there i would've reinstalled tomorrow anyway. Oh and i couldn't update my windows 7 since around a year because i would always get a bluescreen which would've meant no windows 10 in the first place


  9. Do you have a red-ish vision file or have you just not compiled the reflections?


    ya, it's probz the vision file to make it fit the sunset skybox. Looks a bit different if it was because of the reflection probes :P


    Anyway, looks good for an very early version of the map can't really tell because there isn't much on it yet ^^
