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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. I had an idea yesterday, it had something todo with challenges but it would take too much time to make because alot of stuff would have to get re-written. Also, most of us are kinda inexperienced in making challenges. We'll see what happens to that idea in the future.


    However, this is going to be the biggest weapon update we had till now just takes time to make which i don't have at the moment. There're also going to be new raid exclusive maps coming on the same day as the update


    I wouldn't mind hearing ideas so it doesn't get boring after reaching max rank.


    wait couldn't you just get the iwi files in the iwd and put it into a folder then add it to mod.csv i swear i have done this before for another gun on a server but i might be wrong.



    .iwi files are the compiled dds and tga files from the materials, so no, unless he just changed the images of the stock characters which i doubt. Also you're not supposed to add .iwi files to the mod.csv


  2. Heres my gsc script btw:

     trig = getEnt("bo1_trig","targetname");
      trig waittill("trigger", user);
      user TakeAllWeapons();
      user GiveWeapon("m1911_mp");
      user switchToWeapon("m1911_mp");

    nithing happens. If i write /give m1911_mp i would get nothing, or if i wrote /give colt45_mp i would get the default colt


    m1911_mp isn't a valid weapon, I'm sure you meant beretta_mp. Also, you don't need to precache standard pistols if you're making that map for deathrun. You're not getting any gun, because your weaponfile isn't in your mapname.iwd > "weapons" folder.
