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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. I hope he knows that he isn't allowed to sell them. Same for everyone else who sells their CoD4 stuff to others. E.g mod (source), map (source), scripts, xanims, xmodels or any other shit.


    You agree that, as a condition to your using the Program Utilities,
    you will not use or allow third parties to use the Program Utilities and/or the New Game Materials created by you for any commercial purposes,
    including, but not limited to, selling, renting, leasing, licensing, distributing, or otherwise transferring the ownership of the Program Utilities or the
    New Game Materials, whether on a stand alone basis or packaged in combination with the New Game Materials created by others, through any and all
    distribution channels, including, without limitation, retail sales and on-line electronic distribution.
    You agree not to solicit, initiate or encourage any proposal or offer from any person or entity to create any New Game Materials for commercial distribution.
    You agree to promptly inform Activision in writing of any instances of your receipt of any such proposal or offer.



  2. Idk, but it looks like some of you don't like to talk things as these subjects and then litteraly want to jump over the wall because you don't want to hear it.


    Dude its just a normal talk not a fkng fight.



    And all what I've said was a opinion? pls rethink now twice, most of the part was the truth (before the comments of Staab and a bit after) and 1-3 things were opinions.

    Seriously stop with those pathetic arguments on EVERY thread, this is NOT about what are you gonna do after school, this is about your greatest internet accomplishmentsgoals. Also "Idk, but it looks like some of you don't like to talk things as these subjects and then litteraly want to jump over the wall because you don't want to hear it." we don't want to hear it. simple as that.



    trust me, that model has way too many polygons, that's first of crashing your radiant when importing, if that doesnt happen, then you'll get a massive fps drop ingame.


  4. Learn basic scripting before creating a map, the whole syntax is wrong on your code above, i've seen you making maps for dr for like 1 or 2 years now, and you still don't know the basics of scripting?


    Also, don't wanna sound rude or anything, but a 5th grader probably knows the x, y and z axis, a quick google search would've done it. about your heli problem, it depends in what direction your heli is looking at radiant shows you the x and y axis



  5. The new consoles cost around 400 Euros as far as im aware of. a decent SELF BUILD gaming pc costs around 600 - 1200 Euros and a pre-build one like 2000 Euros which could do the same as a self build one for around 800 -1000 *cough* alienware *cough*. It's obvious that pc's itself are going to cost more since they can do like 10 million things more than consoles. However, pc wins when it comes to games, it has more and cheaper games. Don't forget the steam summer sale and other littles sales on steam. Pc has better graphics, the new console can't even run most games at 1080p which is sad, hell, they even run some of the new games only at 30 fps and like the shittiest resolution ever, im talking about 792p and 900p. Consoles do have a few exclusives which are pretty good, a good example would be the last of us for the ps4 and ps3. It all depends on how much you enjoy playing on one of those platforms. On what platform play good friends of yours on? I switched from xbox360 to pc since most of my real life friends played on pc, so I'd suggest you todo the same ( I'm talking about playing on the same platform as your friends. ) In my opinion, the ps4 wins the console war against the xbone.


    I  still think PC's are better for the long run. Why? Because you can always upgrade your pc, you can't do that on consoles unless a new generation of consoles is coming, probably around 2020(?) It might be more expensive for the long run, but, you're getting a smooth and nice gaming experience.
