
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. How can you think you're going to qualify as an admin with such a poor attitude, definite no from me.
  2. For goodness sake, stop trying to make excuses for all of your mistakes. I'd respect you a lot more if you could simply own up, say you made a mistake and move on; as opposed to trying justify your actions. It's pathetic in my opinion. Well, good luck. I think you'll need it.
  3. At which point did I mention new? It's second hand, 2005 model.
  4. Recently bought my first car, Mitsubishi Colt. I like it. Obvs not my actual car cba to take a pic, but this is it:
  5. Yeah for a map called overgrown there's not much... growing... Looking alright, maybe try and use a few more textures as opposed to keeping it the same throughout the map. Good luck with it :)
  6. Not even going to bother reading it until someone removes that stupid yy filter
  7. No. (Not my grandfather, but my grandmother is in her 70s and has a Galaxy s4 lol) People often talk about the growing gap between the rich and poor. However, today’s poor are much better off than most people, even the rich, were a century ago. Does it matter that there’s an increasing gap between the rich and the poor if the standard of living for the poor keeps going up?
  8. yes ?on ro sey
  9. Please amend the grammar in your title, it's annoying me
  10. You have it so the link1 moves up and down at the beginning of the round. There is nothing to make it wait until the player is at the trigger, just put those 4 lines after the waittill and it should work
  11. wait stu is that you from ages ago
  12. self endon("death"); ? or mightDie(hud) { for(;;) { if( !isAlive(self) ) hud.destroy(); break; } } idk just suggesting
  13. Wait what's the problem am I blind?
  14. ouy ygofr uyfukj tihlkh utdkjhu
  15. Hey everyone, I just finished making an program that can encrypt messages I enter into them, however I am not sure how secure/powerful it is so I thought I'd encrypt something and post it here to see if anyone can decrypt it. Here's the encrypted message: psie.mge.mpkc.vve.pkd.ekie4332 Good luck everyone :)
  16. Not home at the moment, it's an algorithm I wrote in python a few days ago. When I'm home I'll encrypt a whole paragraph if that would help :dumb:
  17. You might have the texture facing the wrong way Try selecting that side and pressing ctrl+i, see if that works :)
  18. The ones where you press the wrong thing and fuck up, which is of course the program's fault not the user.. Haven't you learnt by now that nothing is ever the user's fault :dumb:
  19. Exhibit A of why I don't want you to edit Deathrun:
  20. Forgive me for asking but are you seriously 17? The way you have been acting on these forums is making doubt that.
  21. Yeah that's very true, but do you seriously believe it?If you took away vip then I'm sure donations would go down by like 90%
  22. Happy bearday to birth! Wait no that's not right...
  23. Wow you managed to completely sum up Bosnian in 7 words, I'm impressed.
  24. 30 days 1 day