
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. I can if I create a new client menu edited to your cod4 :dave:
  2. You can do so using client commands, but there's nothing stopping them from rebinding their keys mid round (I believe)
  3. Is it okay if I use bits and bobs from other unreleased maps if I make it from scratch again? (I won't be copying anything, just remaking)
  4. F... it, count me in. Don't expect anything at the end of the month though, I'm a slow mapper
  5. No way anyone's going to be able to make a good map in 2ish weeks
  6. This lighting is just UURGGHHH TEACH ME :angryarnold:
  7. Well.. I would say the point is to 'Find The Error' but okay cool
  8. I said that it wouldnt do anything under the if statement because of this :okay:
  9. Just reread my answer :okay: I'm not the best at explaining things but that's what I meant in general, ty to you and bear for clearing it up :dumb: If its even right :horror:
  10. I literally said that exact same thing.. Go look at my first post :angryarnold:
  11. I think Bear and I should be joint winners :sir:
  12. In the initial IF statement you've set level.ee_step6_souls < level.ee_step6_soul_c as a condition, yet later on you've done level.ee_step6_souls >= level.ee_step6_soul_c It can't be both so nothing happens after the second statement? maybe? :okay:
  13. There goes another blurian :okay: Sad to see you go, we'll all miss you!
  14. To be honest, if they don't want you to see the source code for free then you probably shouldn't see it for free. Its their code so its their call, not yours.
  15. Contact the dev and simply ask.. Always worth a shot
  16. Perhaps get raid not to say "We're making changes to the deatrun music, to vote for your favourite song go to the forums now!" Or something like that? That way it means the people who actually play the mod get their say too. Just an idea.
  17. Thank you for sharing this with us! Absolutely great work, I'm truly impressed (not that it means anything)! You've inspired me to open up radiant and get going with a couple of my projects again too, I can't wait for the final product.
  18. I... I'm scared...
  19. Yeah I seem to remember you from iceops/blur? Where you a moderator? Anyways, welcome to the forums!
  20. cough export to maya cough
  21. Personally I have no idea, however I have moved the topic to the correct place
  22. Would you happen to be using a cracked version of COD4? If so, then that's your problem. You should buy the game to stop this happening. If not then I'm not sure what it is :')
  23. Being fast only makes you good at deathrun if you have a shit acti that gives free 24/7 (like almost everyone) Being good at deathrun is really about who can stay alive the most when the acti is tryharding imo
  24. Raid Fuhrer