
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. why
  2. Yes Would you like to be the opposite gender on demand BUT each time you change you gain an extra toe?
  3. 17 No or Yes?
  4. No :dumb: Apple or Android?
  5. Potato. Is your answer no?
  6. Just wondering, are you still doing these?
  7. Inb4 jwofles: "just use xmodels" :dumb: :troll:
  8. Why not just post tomorrow?Also from previous topics I've learnt to ignore your pc advice :dumb:
  9. :horror:
  10. Would just like to say well done to all the new trial admins, so far it appears you're all doing an amazing job! Keep it up! No report in weeks :o

    1. PsychoBastard



      They got tired of me making tickets so they made me a trial admin LOL

    2. Anti


      Denied, lead admins+ did a rain dance for months and the falling burrito of trials landed in your basket :dave:

    3. Purity


      my ban hammer senses tingle

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  11. Will lock as I believe this should be left at that, if you disagree feel free to PM me and I will unlock it.
  12. Aah I have a video I recorded with me talking about what everything does but never uploaded it for some reasons, if I can find it I'll PM you it
  13. That dvar is cheat protected
  14. r_sustainammo 1 trust me its not op at all...
  15. BOOM
  16. Was wondering if anyone could help me out, how to I get the player to do this when they press F on a trigger? (Or something similar) Basically just open a bomb case.
  17. Anyone know if they're the only briefcase weapons? :/ Or have an itemlist
  18. I truly am an idiot.
  19. Nothing happens when I give the user this 'weapon' :/
  20. I don't have those files in my gametypes folder :/ Will look through them, thanks! If anyone could highlight the line/thread I need to look at that would be great.
  21. That's a secret, not a glitch.. You bounce on the red ball and get teleported..