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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Because they're not breaking any rules
  2. There are hundreds of tutorials out there, how hard is it to google?
  3. I can't warn for someone for moaning about activating :( would be nice to have something to do when people start moaning about getting activated on. Just simply get the Bot to repeat itself about activating. The !bitch was a long shot and a bit of a joke, but a simple command to tell people that activating is okay would be nice
  4. wait but which player do you want to print it to?
  5. Tell us exactly what you're trying to do?
  6. knife() { level.knife_trig = getEnt( "knife", "targetname"); //The trigger jump = getEnt( "enter_knife", "targetname" ); //the origin the jumper will teleport acti = getEnt( "activator_enter_knife", "targetname" ); //the origin the acti will teleport while(1) //loop { level.knife_trig waittill( "trigger", player ); //waits until the jumper activates the room if( !isDefined( level.knife_trig ) ) //defines that it is the knife trigger return; level.sniper_trig delete(); level.old_trig delete(); level.weapon_trig delete(); level.rpg_trig delete(); //deletes all of the other room triggers so that they cant be entered player SetPlayerAngles( jump.angles ); player setOrigin( jump.origin ); //teleports the jumper player TakeAllWeapons(); //takes all weapons from jumper player GiveWeapon( "tomahawk_mp" ); //jumper weapon if( isDefined( level.activ ) && isAlive( level.activ ) //makes sure the activator exists and is alive, otherwise it'll try to do things to a non-existant acti (._. ) { level.activ setPlayerangles( acti.angles ); level.activ setOrigin( acti.origin ); //teleports acti level.activ TakeAllWeapons(); //takes all weapons from acti level.activ GiveWeapon( "tomahawk_mp" ); //gives acti tomahawk wait 0.05; player.maxhealth = 100; level.activ.maxhealth = 100; //gives players normal health if damaged player switchToWeapon( "tomahawk_mp" ); level.activ SwitchToWeapon( "tomahawk_mp" ); //this line means they switch to the weapon iPrintlnBold( " ^6" + + " ^5Entered Knife." ); // announces on screen the player name and the knife room while( isAlive( player ) && isDefined( player ) ) //if the player is alive the room will stay closed so no one can enter. wait 1; } } } That would pull up an error with log files, fixed for you.
  7. omg jr no models wtf go kil urself ;) Serious note, looks great! Can't wait to play it, awesome job!
  8. pffffff gsc menu
  9. Oh Anti and your fabulous ways <3
  10. then you'll never learn "give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime"
  11. If you mean for a HUD, it's just RGB Go to and you can choose it yourself
  12. The fact that you're doing this on most topics is hurting me, you pretend to know loads about a subject and then end up giving shit advice that doesn't make sense. To back this up: EDIT: Will keep updating this post as more come :dave:
  13. Your point just makes no sense
  14. pls :facepalm: you're going to make me cri
  15. Store the player's name who reaches the endmap_trig first each round, at the end of the map see which name appears most, set as the record
  16. The problem has been solved. Locked.
  17. Pretty sure it could be done?
  18. Bosnian, pls.
  19. That's probably your problem, I have upload my file for you to use. Should work but not 100%.
  20. Unfortunately these maps never get played because people only vote for ones that most people could complete with their eyes shut *sigh*
  21. Probably thinks an SSD is a type of HDD :dumb: