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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Well.... Um..
  2. Now I think about it, it slightly reminds me of that BraXi troll face morph thing :dumb: :dumb: :dumb:
  3. map

    Couldn't you just pull out mad scripting skillz and make a limit on the amount of times a map can be played in a certain time frame?
  4. Wouldn't be hard to make a random wait time and spawn a jumpscare in front of the player
  5. map

    Funny how I instantly knew it was Anti by the 'accepted' and 'denied' :dumb:
  6. map

    Also in future please use this template
  7. omg I'm dying
  8. This is your problem, you ask for people's opinion then can't accept what they say. Starting to look like the only reason you posted this here was because you were hoping to be deemed some kind of mapping God, now that's not worked out for you so you just turn to denying what people say. I hate to say this, but please, grow up. The map isn't great, let's be honest.
  9. So, Zack says he dislikes it and you say this Anyway, this thread is majorly off topic so I'm leaving it here.
  10. 1&3 are the same :dumb: 2 makes no sense :wat: 4. a lot of people say that about every map, one person has an opinion and all of sudden they aren't being serious? No. :no:
  11. Firstly, wat? :wat: Secondly, no offense. But I think the only reason you suggested this was because you made it. Thirdly Seriously? You think the map is so good that no one can dislike it? Pfff please :dumb:
  12. Hello there, proudly presenting a work-in-progress of my new upcoming map "oxidation". Granted I'm not very far into the making of this map, I'm going for quality over quantity so it may turn out to be a fairly small map. I'm thinking of doing 2 more rooms however I'm stuck for ideas so any suggestions would be great! I was planning on not doing a WIP for this map and releasing it as a surprise map for Raid but due to my lack of imagination I've decided it's probably best for the map. Oh, and this will be Raid only :troll: The video makes the map look very dark, it's slightly brighter in-game.
  13. mp_dr_2fe2o3
  14. It's pretty complex. I would share how to do it but I'm afraid it would take hours
  15. I've recently started trying to get into GFX, I'm not the best at it at the moment but hopefully I'll get better with time. For this (my first one) I used Photoshop and Cinema 4D. Please don't laugh, I'm taking this seriously.
  16. What I meant was replace the file with a friends one incase something had happened to his, keeping a backup of course.
  17. It's saying there's something wrong the "_art.gsc" in the raw/maps/mp folder. EDIT: firstly delete everything in your gsc to see if it is something there which is causing it I assume you haven't gone around editing anything so try testing out parts of your script individually, as in, delete everything but one thread and repeat for each thread. This way you can see which part of your script is messing up. If it's not your script check your radiant settings to see if anything looks dodgy and if worst comes to worst try replacing your _art.gsc file with a fresh one
  18. You're welcome for my poor mapping skills :dumb:
  19. Welcome to the forums... even though you've been here a few days :ph34r: Enjoy yourself c:
  20. edit the maps iwd to replace it, I could do it later
  21. Perhaps add this to the post - Extremely useful when trying to do something original
  22. I really do hope you get a shot at trial! It is nice having you back in the community
  23. Not sure about jelous... But I sure am jealous! Nice speeds!
  24. Thank you very much for the offer, perhaps when I finish the actual playing area of the map you can help me sort out everything I've messed up :dumb: As for the activator, completely new activating style is being put in place as I type this :ph34r: There won't be an activator path