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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Hello there, This is my most recent attempt at making a Deathrun map, I know there's a lot to be desired but lots of the things I have done in this map are the first times I've tried it; for example custom FX. I doubt that I'll actually release this, it's mainly about the learning! Still though, if you see anything you want changed or if you want to see something new please post below. Criticism is welcome as long as it's constructive; don't tell me it's bad, tell me WHY it's bad. Thaaanks c:
  2. Shame there are no 'dead' female models
  3. Random blood squirts out :') Should I keep him on fire or not?
  4. huehuehuehuehue
  5. Stop spamming posts to get to 10 so you can apply...
  6. Yes they are, but as I'm sure you're aware most people don't. You can't change that.
  7. mp_dr_terrorv2* Without activating most of it is literally just running in a straight line. Also I think you should force enable fullbright, looks better imo. AHA! Got the secret too
  8. You can't in cod4 I believe. Use a for loop
  9. Thanks a lot everyone, I'll need to have a crack at it later in the week! I'm off to the coast now!
  10. Well yes, but how the trap works is so it's always actied and just randomly travels across the room (don't know how to make the fx move by itself) and then when the Activator activated it's it gets linked to him so he can run around and try to catch the players himself (I think I know how to do this part).
  11. It isn't linked to the player until the traps is activated. I was wondering how to make the effect link to a moving script_origin. Also I think it may be possible to do LinkTo( player )? That worked when it was a brush not an effect
  12. I've made the effect but I'm not really sure on how to put it on the map so it can move :/ I've got it playing but when I move the origin the effect stays in the same place. Any idea how to do it?
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. Could you elaborate on the lighting, what kind of weird and how it should be changed? I don't see it!
  14. Pictures of semi-final map - Not sure about the lasers control trap, thoughts?
  15. Fraps is being mean to me, I'm uploading a load of pictures now.
  16. dat fail at copying Darmuh's layout
  17. I didn't know yours cat :c
  18. I'll do that later today Lossy, probably just record another vid. & I'm all ears Zack! My xfire is sentrexdr if you'd prefer to talk there
  19. What dya'll think of mp_dr_stronghold?
  20. Very close to finishing, can anyone think of a better more suitable name?