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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Me likey
  2. Whenever there's // it means the line doesn't get read by the program. Just take away the // altogether
  3. Eh It was relevant to the topic, useful and people may learn from it, in my books I'd say it's okay to bump if it's not useless spam
  4. Waaaaffffllllesssss Of course it's fortunate... ...or maybe he's forcing me to say this
  5. Waheyy congratulations Frosty!
  6. Should make it so it does something bad on dr when you bounce to stop people using bounces the whole god damn time
  7. Hello, welcome Good luck with your exams!
  8. Fair play, didn't cross my mind
  9. Try this
  10. Can be done. Or even the longer the bounce the better (cooler) looking the bounce gets, whatever you all think would be best.
  11. Ever heard of a notepad lol?
    1. Cloudy
    2. Triton


      Done it, was quite interesting though

    3. HyperCoD


      He is doing research on cod for college 0-0. What has the world come to xD.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. Moved your topic to the tutorials section instead of help section
  13. W w w what the hell, this topic was made like nearly a year ago omg time really flies
  14. Can we pls make it more obvious if a category has new posts? I liked how before I could glance at the page and instantly see where the new posts at
  15. Set third person, force side view and make cod4 into a 2d platformer. I pretty much did it before but never released, anti knows huehue
  16. Well done to everyone at Raid, for me it's not the servers that make this a great community, it's the people. Thank you to all the members that have made Raid what it is today, let's just keep moving forward! Also lol:
  17. Why are there quotation marks on the title? Should probably add a filter to stop incorrect use of them.
  18. Ever heard of Google? It's useful for searching how to do things, I'd suggest trying it out one day.
  19. what're you trying to do? from what I see in that section it's pointless, need some context please
  20. Look in the spoilerTbf he didn't make it obvious
  21. Got an answer? I'm not going to waste my time on something so nonsensical but I'm still intrigued
  22. You have to set the background to alpha or some shit, there's a tutorial I followed ages ago