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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Will update with gameplay when I find friends to play with. Looking for some bug testers; release coming soon. Tell me what you think. Thanks.
  2. I'm having to focus on exams for now, I'll see if I can do it after
  3. Eh Will maybe finish it in summer, but probably not. Just giving you all a heads up who are expecting this map soon, it's not gonna happen.
  4. That's a spray, not an icon
  5. Why don't you actually make more than 5% of something before posting it? I mean I would be interested in you posting it if you'd actually made something but a whole topic because you changed a font is a bit much
  6. Bit cheesy and would be mildly amusing the first time you see it, but after that I think it would just get annoying
  7. Hey

  8. Thanks for the laugh! :)Have an upvote!
  9. May I suggest slightly darker worldspawn settings and a nice vision file? Looking alright though, well done.
  10. Menus are in the ui & ui_mp folders
  11. To be perfectly honest half of the time I have no clue what you're going on about anyways, this is no exception.
  12. Trust me I know how hard it is, but you asked for opinions and criticism so that's what you should expect!For example about the voices, you did a great job of it on your own. No ones doubting that, but why not improve further by asking friends to help out with some recording? Once again, what you've achieved here is pretty amazing. But that doesn't mean you can't improve further! Good luck with any future work you decide to do :)
  13. I'm not a fan, too many strafes, nothing original etc etc
  14. I feel like whenever someone is suggesting something instead of listening and taking it under your stride you're trying to justify what you've done
  15. meh
  16. This for your custom map or a mod?
  17. In radiant go to the top bar, misc, find entity and enter the entity number. See what's there
  18. Saw this in-game image of gtav and I'm pretty amazed.
  19. For some, actually making the menus is easy. Coming up with ideas is the difficult part, gsc will also be easier for people will experience in other code with a similar syntax though. Highly dependable.
  20. menus and gsc are completely different..?
  21. ya'll will take the piss on how young I look but yeah, 17 and counting
  22. I would be fine to do most things needed but fuck menus, so nah I'm good
  23. Yeah to set up a stock one, but I think they want everything to be custom. Like menus etc.