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Posts posted by Triton

  1. 2 hours ago, sxk said:

    Why are you in the middle of the sea? North Yankton or something?

    There's an option in the settings to change your HUD map setting to just show the blips on the map rather than the whole map itself, gives the game a slight more realistic feeling 


    But that was in the airport xD, just next to the gate where you enter


  2. Well, you're right about me at least, but enjoy these two until Turdton decides to reply <3

    You finally got a response, I hope you're happy with yourself xD, but in response to your first post, I haven't got a whole lot to say other than STOP CALLING ME A NUB :angryarnold: :angryarnold:


  3. I dont get why you cant just enjoy both games

    Everyone just likes to jump on the hate train, choo choo motherfucker.


    No, but seriously I'm actually gonna give it a chance because i'm an idiot and buy cod every year, but still. However It might be cool if they execute it properly, every seems to just be jumping on the hate train saying it's gonna be 'shit', 'the worst game ever' all that BS, when they haven't seen any actual gameplay and literally judging a book by it's cover, personally I don't 'hate' the futuristic aspect of all the latest cod's, Black ops 2 seems to get future period perfect, not too far into the future but still having modern military combat esc scenes.


    Like you don't have to buy the game, nobody is forcing you too, one of the main reasons that video has over 1.4+ Million dislikes is because 1: Everyone are complete fucking artards and doing it for the bants, and 2: MW Remastered is being forced with Infinity Warfare(Buzz light-year yo) which pisses off a lot of the community since they are paying more for a game that they want, and are getting something they probably won't play with their purchase.#


    So pretty much: CoD won't die with IW, BF1 will not de-throne CoD's place. And everyone will still buy the game because they want MWR, so please don't mention how BF is gonna kill cod with their game this year, because it just plain won't happen.


    edit: thanks bear, you are such a nice guy!


  4. So It's really nice having all this custom 'STUFF' but it often causes us to crash, so i've come up with some things that might make it a bit better for players and MAYBE cause to us to crash less / if not stop crashing at all.

    - Remove 4/5 of the Borderlands models


    - Remove 1/2 the CS:GO models


    - Remove 3/4 of ' Kasumi ' model, too many tit physics
    - Remove 2 Miku models, less hair physics
    - Remove Terminator models
    - Add more MASKS? Idk if they'll cause the server to crash though (HADOUKEN said since they are 2D they are less likely to crash, so would be nice :P)
