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Posts posted by Triton

  1. Yes, you are allowed to go on the countdown mountains. However, the rule is: 

    Rule #3: Don't use spots within or outside the map that give you a massive advantage! e.g hiding in stuff where people can't see you

    So yes you can go on the mountains but if you have to be in physical plain sight, but usually you can see the players

    (If anyone else wants to correct me on this feel free ^)


  2. Hello all, i've been thinking of this suggestion for a while, any chance you guys can add a soundcloud kinda of BBcode, similiar to how [Youtube] works

    An example of this, would look something like that vv


    It would be nice, so that people can then show off their work *cough *cough* troll, and even potentially show off their mixtapes :'D


    Thanks - Triton


    (Also can get one for twitter aswell maybe? )



  3. Better start making my popcorn

    Got any spare? Hmu if you do bby <3


    Also, why do you have a forums anyway?


    EDIT: Right let's crack into this shit since people are taking this seriously on teamspeak and must take everything serious but anyway let's crack into this

    Take this in mind that i have DONE EXACTLY. What mikey has done in the past, i got into a bunch of trouble with anti with it and it was amusing to do in the past


    Reasons why I think that bosnian is wrong/ was stupid:

    1. You have to remember that you are on the internet, and you can not TRUST, ANYONE. I've been fucked over the in the past, had passwords released etc and it wasn't pretty.

    2. You should of kept a proper backup, even if you had to do it everyday

    3. It was your responsibility and your actions on what you did on your site, just because someone changed things, you should of kept your eye on what he was doing and why he was doing it. My blame is completly on you 100%


    Eventhough that mikey may have done this, it doesn't affect his opinions on raid, he still is mature, and will be mature on raid, he is a very smart individual and i see his reasons why he did this because clearly his reason must of been pretty specific.


  4. 1. Heads Up Display!

    HUD Changes:

    Players needed for 2x XP -> Show ALPHA Zombie | | Jumpers Alive -> Players Alive/Zombie Alive depending on Team | | Rounds -> Show what team you are on (Keep Time) | | [Other Side] Show wep, ammo counter etc


    2. Maps!

    More Maps, With a map vote at the end of it, make it look funky ( I haven't seen the ZOMBIE rotation) so i'm unsure about that, but some new variety would be fairly cool... Looking at you (Make us some maps bby)

    3. Menus!

    A Welcome menu similiar to deathrun would be pretty neat to have

    An other idea was this: Recently i played KF2, and then have a a pretty amazing ending screen which shows player awards, personal statistics, and a pretty nice looking map vote system









    Yeah these looked pretty cool, so hey why not :P

    Also PLEASE add this menu to the server


    4. More customization

    Pretty self explanatory, more customization for our characters + Weapons

    If i find more, i'll add moare, but yeah thanks for taking the time to read this

    - Triton
