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Posts posted by System

  1. Name of mapmp_deathrun_backlot

    There's a few "game breaking" glitches in this map that takes all fun of this.
    For example, when you're the activator you can glitch under the train so none can kill you, (maybe a bad explanation because I don't know how to do it, i've only seen others)
    and here's the most annoying one, once you have chosen the old room you can glitch up on these doors(?) and go out of map, when you have done that, some people does elevators and kills the activator from the building roofs.


    Why you personally feel it should be removed: Other than the glitches, I think this map is boring + the juggernaut is too op in my opinion.



  2. This won't stop me at all.

    BREIN itself won’t sue users of the illegal movie streaming service, the organisation mainly targets large providers of illegal content. It will be the copyright holders such as movie studios who will go after individual Popcorn Time users. It would be first time in the Netherlands, so far no users have ever been fined for illegal downloading or streaming movies.


  3. Maybe on a 4v4 match where everyone has mics (or at least communicates somehow), not on a server that has at least 6v6 most of the times and not everyone speaks nor care about what other people says. (for example, player 1 and 2 go on right side and you left etc)
    I don't see much teamwork between the players, everyone is running their own ways.


    But I don't know, maybe we could add this map and see how it goes. I might be wrong


  4. also has many long lines of sight and these can be manipulated quite well with AK's and Snipers.

    I have played this map before on promos and personally

    For me, I think it's to much of this ^the quote^

    You can't rush to the other side (or even the middle) without getting killed because someone will always watch the left side, middle and right side. Too open for me.

    I mean you can, you just have to be sneaky and throw many smoke grenades.


  5. See, people tired, they want new maps, but I don't know, System, why u want to remove chamber01 O.o

    It's one of the maps that's floating around and never gets played = 1 less map/spot in rotation, why not take advantage and replace that map with another that people like and will get played?

    And, it's almost the same as darkness.

    I know for a fact sick won't be added, they hate the mapper,(it's also my favourite map) sick v2 is terrible, I quite like skypillar and would be sad to see it removed, inferno should be brought back, never heard of something, and illusion is just bullshit

    Yea, I like skypillar too, if it's fixed as Lossy says I don't the any reason why it should be removed.

  6. Name of map: mp_deathrun_skypillar [by wingzor]





    Why you personally feel it should be removed:


    The main reason I want this removed is because of "activator suiciding" (Jumper off the elevator or the start ladder), you may think this is a silly reason or whatever,  but it's very frustrating to see 1 (or more) round go away because the activator


    1)  doesn't know how to play the map / made a "mistake" 


    2)  is stupid  


    3)  did it on purpose 


    The last week I saw atleast 10+ activator suicides just on this map. I have seen admins warn players when suiciding  as activator and therefor I think this map should be removed immediately.

    And while you're on it, remove






    and Add





    mp_deathrun_sick_v2 (or v1)
