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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. HI i'm Vaughanhub


    now many of you must be wondering Who is Vaughanhub, well let me tell you who i am.


    since the day i got a PS1 when it came out (for the kids that's the first PlayStation) i was hooked on games.


    if you would like to know more about me then i beg you to go and annoy Darmuh or lossy about it.


    thanks for taking the time to read this far you have not only made my time wasted making this post worthwhile but also wasted your precious time


    P.S. seriously go annoy Lossy and Darmuh they love the attention.



    You got me at this man, you're coo.


    Welcome to the forums :lol:


  2. tumblr_ltr82kSU4p1qii6tmo1_400.gif


    It becomes funnier and funnier every time you watch it :lol:



    Not bad, but it's the same theme as cherry. Can you try and change/improve the lights and see if it looks any better? Or make some good fx in the jumpers way like the one in your screenshots. 

    I don't know but I suggest you make it a bit different if u can  ^_^


  3. [12:12] Beatthat: Really... how dumb can one be to pay for hacks

    [12:16] [Raid]Lossy: must be rich

    [12:16] Beatthat: still

    [12:17] Beatthat: btw its blur| luke

    [12:17] Beatthat: also checked chatlogs, ill take an eye on him

    [12:17] [Raid]Lossy: it's probably just a fake folder tbh

    [12:17] [Raid]Lossy: to make everyone think he has cheats



    I knew it was fake :o


    Lol Beatthat, I was just kidding by asking:

    Did u buy it? It is sooooo expensive it was for $20 last time I saw it :o

    Are u so rich

    and he just gave an obviously stupid reply, that he got it for 21 pounds ON SALE which is actually more expensive than the 20 dollars I mentioned :P

    And you talked to Lossy about that xD

    But Lossy, he still played it cool:

    [12:16] [Raid]Lossy: must be rich


  4. Gabe, this is why you get downvoted. It's an irrelevant post on a topic that you have no business being in. It sounds as though you're almost bragging, like "hey look at me, my map is going to be so much better lolz cuz it can play music leedle". Who cares? We'll enjoy the map with or without music, music has nothing to do on the playability/enjoyability(Not even real words lel) of the map. If you don't have anything POSITIVE to say about the post, it's not worth saying at all. Contribute to the topic, or give constructive criticism(not some BS like "oh lel gud jahb" becaues you want to raise your post count). Have REAL meaning to your posts and make sure they're on topic and contribute.


    Also, this doesn't apply only to Gabe. This applies to ALL threads, and ALL posts. Before you post, think about whether or not it is post-worthy and if it is on topic.


    Finally someone who could explain this


  5. im hated on this forums... the amount of hate that i get..


    By downvoting NOBODY shows or means hate!

    Well see, I downvoted one of your jokes and some of Darmuh's and Cat's....doesn't mean at all I hate them. That's just a way of expressing that we didn't enjoy the joke/post or that post was irrelevent and/or an unpopular opinion.


    Ok now this is going so offtopic someone plz delete these posts (#3, #4, #5, #6)


    ....and Gabe calm down these are just fake internet points.
