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Posts posted by Headdy

  1. yay!


    I like it already. I'll test the map now. (Will edit this post)


    oooooh yeah. 129682445-3.jpg


    The explosion looks really small though :P


    I really like this map. It should be added to the rotation.


    The traps are nice, not really common and good looking. 


    The B room is really funny! Nice idea!


    Conclusion, I love the map. It's well-designed and traps are not common. Fun to play!


    (lol) 129682479-3.jpg129682481-3.jpg


  2. Update: My highest vertebrae of my neck is 'stuck'. Next week they'll probably try to get it loose again and after that my pain should decrease (on long term). I visited the rehabilitation doctor today. He told me that he first wants my neck to be okay, and after that I have to go to the rehabilitation centre. (That will take ~2-3weeks). They're keeping me there for 8 weeks. (2 months). After that, I should be around 60-70% recovered. They are going to help me recover in the physical and psychological way.

    So I'll probably less online for about 10 weeks. I really hope that I'll be able to do normal things like school, social life, gaming, coding after that.

    Thank you guys for all the support. I'll keep you guys updated! :)
