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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. how many times have i seen something like this, while we appreciate you making the effort to say sorry and all, but was it really needed, you can just not spam the forums and it would do the same as you making ANOTHER thread and saying sorry 


  2. Rather well done for a first map, I've seen a lot worse, certainly better than my first map, as triton said compress your music pls, my map has a 19mb iwd with like 6 songs in it lol, rounds don't go on for more than 2-3 minutes anyway so idk why you would want a long ass song 


  3. she's getting quite a lot and because this past year we've been struggling with money issues she's giving a lot to me because I went without for most of the year 


    my family is actually poor as shit and without my grandparents we would be homeless and this money is going to help us


    things are starting to look up 
