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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. So, I just bought a new GPU, and got a code for borderlands the pre sequel, I do not play borderlands as I've never been interested in it, so, I will be giving it away to 1 person on here.


    Rules. You must explain why you want this game, I do not want to give it to someone who won't play it and waste a £40/$60 game. 


    The person with the best reason will win it next Wednesday, so get writing! 


    Much love guys :wub:



    From the description:


    It's like FRED, but shittier and more offensive... Not sure why anyone would want to watch someone faking being disabled open up overpriced shitty headphones but that's just my opinion...


    Your opinion is pretty much like all of ours on here. 


    Didn't see the description, It made it even worse than what it is, Hmm, I may make a video ratting this kid out. 


  3. Ok so I've narrowed it down to it being the PSU, if put on High performance, the whine because very very loud, when put on power save, it goes but can be heard very very faintly. Not sure what's causing this or how to fix it 


    EDIT. I put it on power saver meaning it somewhat stops the noise, but my pc runs meh, if i want to play games i need to put it on high performance as I like high fps :dave:


    It must be my gpu, as if i move my gpu downwards and loosen the screws, the noise gets quieter, I guess that's another thing wrong with it, im getting a new gpu soon so hopefully, it fixes it.  


  4. Take a compressed air container and blow air inside of the jack itself, also may I ask if this is a Sound Card or is it On-Board audio? Or the front panel headphone jack?


    On board, never had an issue with it, tried to clean out the jack, nothing, can't use front audio as it's broken because I was stupid. 


  5. subwoofer* :P, Yeah, it uses the same jack going into my AMP, same sound, it went away a tiny bit, maybe time will tell? 



    Make sure you haven't knocked any wires out, sounds like a electricity problem. Try testing with speakers that uses one of the jacks or something else.


    EDIT: Try muting your mic, making sure sound drivers are up-to date, mute computer sounds(not headphones) etc... as well.

    did this, even with it muted, all sounds turnt off, it still comes through, it's come back and is louder than ever, it happens on my other headphones too,.

  6. Phone is no where near my pc, it's a constant buzzing/whine sound, I feel it's picking up interference from my GPU or PSU, but I don't see why this is happening because it was perfectly fine before I cleaned the case, and I changed nothing inside the case, all cables are connected and wired correctly. 


  7. I recently cleaned out my pc, dust n all, after doing so, I plugged my headphones back in (3.5mm jack green) to be greeted by a static/buzzing/beeping noise in my headphones, I already know  what's causing this as I've had it before, but I have no clue how to fix it and google really isn't helping. It's becoming so annoying and I can barley listen to anything without hearing it it's that loud, and before anyone tells me to get USB headphones, I am not willing to spend any money getting new headphones/sound cards as I've never had this issue before but once. Thanks! 
