
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Moseph

  1. I would first like to apologies for my recent retirement. I wasn't in the right state of mind when I did so, I hope that explains myself.


    Do you accept the requirements?:

    I sure do!


    What is your real name?:



    What is your in-game name?:



    How old are you?:



    What is your primary server?:

    Promod and Fun


    What is your B3 CID?:



    What is your Steam?:



    What makes you a good admin?:

    I'm hella dope yo. All jokes aside, I have respect for everyone. This even continues if they have gotten themselves into trouble with the admin team, or anyone from Raid. Just deteriorates over many infractions in a certain amount of time. As you know, abusing my powers is something that does not come to mind, meaning that I shall never do such a thing. I would strongly consider myself as a trustworthy person and have experience in this community and other communities as being an admin. Despite resigning, I have had many connections with Raid since, and shall maintain the reputation for as long as possible. I am active on TeamSpeak and I can say the same with the servers too. I am very outgoing person and stick up for what I believe in, that being inside and outside of this community. Due to past experiences, I can't really fault you if you don't accept me, however, it hadn't stopped you perviously.


    What skills do you have?:

    As most of you know, I have very little knowledge of code and would consider myself as a big nub, so would Anti. I know a little bit of python and HTML but my knowledge of them could be improved and am very willing to take on board and learn off of the masters held in Raid. I have impeccable social skills and can communicate easily with users when they need help.


    What clans/communities/forums have you been at?:

    Raid, 3xP' and AR51. As you know I was previously admin here at Raid, and will be looking to take that back.


    Why should we choose you?:

    I have reported only thirty-two hackers via the ticket system but have also made many comments in TeamSpeak when someone is hacking and an admin has been in grasp. I have seen many hackers in the promod server within only a few minutes of me being in there. As previously stated in my other application, I believe I can sort it out. I am a very friendly person and I would seem fairly popular in the community. I am very mature and can handle with situations very well. I have the experience already which would give me a slight edge over the other applicants. Good luck to you all.


    Thanks for reading, please consider it carefully.


    - Moseph


    P.S Anti is a nub.


  2. My personal view on the situation (Don't expect me to be all okay with what you did):


    I know I have no say on behalf of Raid so this is not what it is. You made a big mistake. I personally don't see why you should be forgiven. I understand you are 14, however, age can not be blamed for what you had done, and I feel this is what you are doing. People make mistakes, Agreed, just seems like you should grow up a little bit and mature. Call me what you want for expecting a 14 year old to be mature, but they should have some sense of maturity within them. And please explain to me, What was going through your head when you thought about kicking people from TS?


    You had made the right decision by apologising, but I wouldn't expect too many kind words if I were you.


  3. Hello Raid,


    This topic had come earlier than I had thought. I may have been only at Raid a short amount of time, but unfourtunatly I feel that due to work at home and personal issues, I must retire. I can't really give you a good explaination, just know that I will be still trying my hardest to come on TeamSpeak and Raid servers.


    Also, Its sad to say that I have lost interest in Call of Duty 4 now, and my main game has been taken over by CS:GO. But I am sure I will revisit Call of Duty 4 some time, every now and again. But as the servers are hosted mainly on COD4, I feel I have no use as being an admin anymore. I am deeply sorry that I hadn't had stayed longer.


    So this is my retirement. My stay was a short one, and I was proud of every moment that was within it, thank you.


    - Mo:)