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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. doesn't work with gyazo for some reason, I suggest going to, then drag the gyazo image (whilst open in a tab) into imgur, then upload it there, then just copy the link imgur gives ya, and it should work ^^ & That bump though ;) A little update - Slowly getting better however
  2. Or At-least log out of Xfire so nobody can see you're on there ^^
  3. Welcome Fedzor, you already know me, so I hope to see you on the servers Enjoy your stay
  4. That's pretty damn cool! Quite fascinating actually, glad to see you sharing it with us C: And for the image thing, I usually use So I gyazo the image, then upload that gyazo to imgur, because then it doesn't give me any problems whatsoever, although it does take an extra couple of minutes, you probably save that in the hassle of they gyazo images anyway. But I'm truly fascinated by this, and would like to see more! (Double Spacing for Anti :3)
  5. Woah, this ping though :D Obviously not going to be that in-game though, probably around 20-28
  6. Yay! Hello 20 ping! Anyway, I'm glad that you have taken over Raid, due to your matureness and your top-notch grammar! (no disrespect Lossy c:) Also because of your trusted admin status on Raid, so you have a decent amount of experience on monitoring servers and possibly making minor changes to benefit the mod & community. Therefore I'd like to say a massive THANKS! to you, and everybody else who helped in donating to . Also might I add that we owe a massive Thanks to none other than @BraXi (although he's staying with Raid, we still owe him it for making this amazing fun mod) @Thomas (never really got to know you that well, but you're a nice guy, and you're the secret behind Raid c:) @Lossy (you've always been the technical guy of the group, making the truly amazing edited mod, and doing everything behind the scene to make Raid have an awesome community) And arguably the best Community Manager all rounded, @Darmuh (you're the one who made Raid so popular with your stunning youtube videos, advertising Raid in a more, mature and friendly way, also your kindness both in server and out is tremendous) So without doubt; THANK YOU ! Lossy, BraXi, Thomas & Darmuh I hope to see Raid live on for years to come, and maybe expand to other games in the future! Apologies for using the word "Amazing" so many times, but it was the word for the job c: - Cloudy
  7. Well, weekend is nearly over already :c

    1. Sentrex


      I work on weekends so I actually prefer going to school

    2. Ryan


      I got a 4 day weekend

  8. The one time, while i was walking on the sidewalk, my friend pushed me and I slapped his face, until he bled. Then he started to push his tight trousers down until they reached his precious weed. Which was medicinal, and had a
  9. Good with a capital G.
  10. Brilliant idea! I wish you luck, and hope everything goes smoothly, although if you'd need any help, I'd be here! (Probably better people to choose, but at-least i'm offering I guess)
  11. Just out of curiosity, if the current servers aren't ending until April, how come you're buying them now? surely you'd wait until maybe a week before they run out to get everything prepared, because that way you wouldn't have to pay twice before the servers are in use. Apologies if this statement is wrong in any way.
  12. My headphones started going very weird and quiet, until I realised they were plugged into the wrong socket, #ggcledi

    1. BraXi


      phew #ggcledi :dave: #dave

    2. Cloudy


      I know right! #luckycledi

  13. Darmuh, such a nice guy. Unfortunately I cannot donate due to me only being 14, and my dad has bought me a lot in the past weeks, including a PS4, and Destiny just today, so I think it'd be unfair to ask him for this as well. Although I may not be the most knowledgeable person, feel free to hit me up on my xfire; cloudy197
  14. If you actually bothered to watch it, it showed you how to add the b23r, smartass.
  15. Tutorial... not hard to search it up on google :/
  16. Eh, giving away this ~ M547R-WJXVJ-564M6 (Star Wars: Dark Forces)

    1. BosnianArmy
    2. Cloudy


      Oh my god Bosnian... M547R-WJXVJ-564M6 but it's already been taken

    3. BosnianArmy


      oh, lmfao. Anyways idc :p

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  17. bae
  18. I need to reach my goal on Raid before it closes! 250 posts! :(

    1. Pixel


      takes 5 mins to visit the introduction section and welcome more people ;)

    2. Beatthat


      9 posts in 2 months?

    3. Cloudy


      I knew someone was going to be a smart-ass and say that, I didn't read that until after I posted this status

  19. Would up vote Triton, but :( I'm up for it m9's
  20. This is the best...

  21. If Bolton win against Liverpool my dad could win 20 thousand pounds o.0 He's already won 2,000 pounds by Bradford beating Chelsea 4-2 #HYPE

    1. Sentrex


      already won 2000? after losing about 5000 on incorrect bets no doubt

    2. Cloudy


      Incorrect Sentrex, he only puts 5 pound bets on, and he usually wins something most of the time, which covers what he's betted, the 2,000 pounds was just a bonus

    3. Triton


      I could do with an extra 2000 right about now hue

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  22. The advanced warfare zombie trailer looks like one of those zombie horror movies, It genuinely scared me, I shouldn't of watched it this late :/

    1. Anti


      What about their next DLC trailer? Advanced spiders

    2. Conker


      you must be scared extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely easily then

    3. Synd


      I'm excited for it, looks good.

  23. School was interesting today, seemed one of the more worse days, but went quite quickly! Also got two new people in my year today, always nice to meet new people ^^

    1. Tinman


      Cloudy made it even more cringe worthy :dave:

    2. Arnold


      yay, only 8h b4 back 2 school :dave: fml

    3. Sentrex


      ye mate dat girl is well fit init ya get me fam

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  24. Considering Bumba is a cj newb, I believe he intentionally put it there (out of no knowledge, just assuming) Well done with the last part, seemed pretty difficult!