
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  2. obviously illuminati's fault pixel. get it together man..
  3. i want too pls :3
  4. I SEE ME :D
  5. >raid teams up with substanz >all substanz followers team up with raid >more players >bigger community >profit!?!?!?!
  6. Not really sure what this plugin does, it's supposed to stop the jumpers from shooting the activator, before he gets picked? Isn't that what the wait time before the round starts is for? Or is this something different
  7. Linux suck! Ahahaha! *awaits the ban*
  8. @Cat is the one you should ask tbh. He knows Java from school aswell.
  9. I agree with Triton, just because Lossy and Darmuh have other plans, doesn't mean everybody else does, either way, I plan on making the community live, and strife whether Lossy allows us to use the Raid name or not, a couple of guys are working together to make sure Raid's community won't die. No promises though.
  10. Killer, the leaders of Raid just got tired of COD4.
  11. We have a "Save Here or else deleted" folder :dave:
  12. would you like a side of diabetes with that heart attack anti?\ jesus. xD anyways, 1.) Spicy Wings (I'm talking SUICIDE wings) 2.) Tacos 3.) Cookies
  13. >when i get downvoted for informing. oh, and I have no ideas, I could easily make a deathrun map, just not a tdm map.
  15. man, i've ran outta ideas already :B Can I be a judge instead c: And take cloudy's spot
  16. But, yeah. I guess i'll do it, not sure if the timeframe will play out in my favor or not lol, and i'm already running out of ideas.
  17. I'll be in the contest :P 2 months vip is still on the table from me aswell. If you want something equivilent to 10 dollars, that'll be okay too.
  18. Maybe something that goes underground? Not to small of an underground though, like so it wouldn't be a clusterfuck of players jammed
  19. You sir, paid for an entertainment system, not a gaming system ;)
  20. no. dear god no, just build a new one xD
  21. WHAT THE HELL, THAT'S THE SHITTEST THING. YOU LITERALLY MOVED IT UP LOL you sly motherfucker, i thought it was harder