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Everything posted by Zack

  1. The texture isn't seamless, search seamless wood texture, and use one of those.
  2. inb4 sells sources to him
  3. Model: Clown Entrance Scale (e.g. real world scale): Medium Texture resolution: Eh, doesn't really matter, average. Additional stuff: It's an carnival entrance, you need to be able to fit people though it. Especially the fat ones who eat all the cotton candy, so make it big enough for them too :dave: Something like this: But scarier and less detailed.
  4. goddamnit, I hate these topics. ▂▂ ▌ | ▌ ☻ ▌ /▌\ ▌ / \ ▌ █████████████
  5. What the fuck kind of language is this :dumb: Just kidding, but, rank.gsc isn't actually a plugin. It's part of the mod.ff that was compiled into the mod. So, to get it, decompile the mod.ff with this:
  6. B-4-something Already an oldschool option on the server
  7. Textures sorta burn though my eyelids, decent for your first map, wouldn't really say it should be put on raid, just my opinion. If you plan on mapping another map, try working on the lighting, making better, and uniquer (uniquer?) traps. 7/10 because traps and lighting. Decent map though
  8. Shush, you. I can try to make it.. That's what I was planning on doing anyways xD SnD gamemode would work fine for this.
  9. Was just an idea. Anyways, I would play it, I actually kinda wanna give this a shot at making it. I think Lossy said he already made a Michael Myers mod (lel). I wanna try it anyways. tfw I downvote sentrex for reading it wrong. ;_;
  10. Possibly because movehelicopter1 is the thread name not the entity on the helicopter, I'm going to let you solve this on your own. Look at the move script part, and the thread name. That's all i'm saying for now.
  11. Make the Xmodel a script_model, link the clip to the script_model (heli), Make the helicopter move UP to an origin in the sky, make origins for the path you want the helicopter to take. Here's the script: Jumppad() { trig = getEnt ("trig", "targetname"); heli = getEnt("helicopter", "targetname"); clips = getEnt("clipsandshit", "targetname"); glow = getEnt ("glow", "targetname"); org1 = getEnt ("heli_org1", "targetname"); org2 = getEnt ("heli_org2", "targetname"); org3 = getEnt ("heli_org3", "targetname"); org4 = getEnt ("heli_org4", "targetname"); clips enableLinkTo(); time = 3; for(;;) { trig waittill ("trigger", player); if (player isTouching(trig)) { clips linkto (heli); heli moveto (org1.origin, time); wait 1; heli waittill("movedone"); heli moveto (org2.origin, time); wait 1; heli waittill("movedone"); heli moveto (org3.origin, time); wait 1; heli waittill("movedone"); heli moveto (org4.origin, time); wait 1; heli waittill("movedone"); heli unlink(); } } } Haven't tested it, report here if anything is fucked up with the script.
  12. LEL :dave: Just use what Slaya said before. self iprintLnBold("^9Badman!"); self GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp");
  13. Oh, this actually gives me a bit better understanding now :D Thanks Bear tfw still no link for maya 8.5
  14. I think that's the one I put in twist Staab. It does work, and is better then what Imagine put im my opinion. Just don't test it in devmap, because in devmap it doesn't register your GUID. But imagine's is just shorter, still works the same.
  15. By this, what do you mean.. Like, a 3 floor elevator that goes up and down? that's a simple move script..
  16. I can't stand Wingzor's maps D: I just personally don't like them.. If I had to choose it'd probably be Vartizan from CJ. But deathrun, it's gotta be Xenon.
  17. oya, i'm meh with maya, Maybe.
  18. o..o....o..oh okay ;_;
  19. Yeah, for now. Stopped making them for a bit, I plan to start back up soon.
  20. Just put the origins of where the fire should spawn on the ground, or wherever you want them, the fire will spawn there, and you'll be good, if you want this to loop, and turn on, and off, here's the script for that: But really, like Sentrex said, I would suggest learning to script, instead of asking for everything, will pay off in the long run. Just use zeroy, have a look at map and stock scripts for call of duty, and it should come to you after awhile. inb4 error
  21. name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max​,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,seconda​ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage namehere,,music/namehere.mp3,0.7,0.7,ambience,,,,,ambient,streamed,,looping,,all_mp,,,,,,
  22. Choking your Chicken whilst jizzing on a female? Male Chicken = Stud