
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Zack

  1. Welcome man! I see you've met Anti. Be careful, he tends to bully you a lot. ;__;






    So many sad nights, of crying myself to sleep..



    the horror... 


    Just kidding :dave:


  2. Here's my work in order:


    Released Maps:


    mp_deathrun_velocity (Reminds me of horseshit. Ali Salad scripted for me :HEUHUEHEUHEUHE:)




    Unfinished Maps:


    mp_deathrun_revolution (First EVER deathrun map. I recommend not looking at this one unless you want your eyeballs melted from your skull. )


    mp_deathrun_void (80% Finished)


    mp_deathrun_twist (90% Finished)


    mp_deathrun_galaxy (Was 70% Finished until .map file broke)


    mp_deathrun_blueberry (Darmuh's update of cherry. Me and Gabe worked on it, and changed it to blueberry :dave: )


    Annnnd, a bunch of other maps that I had ideas, then got to a brainfart, and never finished. 


    So, yeah. Let me know whatcha think. :wub:



    I will update with images later, for now, I have some league matches to play.


  3. Maybe something like this? Lossy's would work, but this is a bit shorter of a script, and does the same thing. Not sure if it's what you're looking for though, but you can try it?:

         self endon("death"); 
         self endon( "disconnect" );  
         self endon( "joined_team" );
         self endon( "joined_spectators" );
         fov = getEnt("trigger_fov","targetname");
         while (1)
              trig waittill( "trigger", player );
              wait 0.1;
             if(player isTouching(fov) && player isOnGround())
                 thread fov();