
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. Good luck on the farm :3 watch out for bear
  2. i have got it. the secret message is DOGE
  3. @Braxi Sorry not everyone is as perfect as u :) :) :) :)
  4. on this note, say from DR you do !join fun you cannot do !join dr from the fun server, even though it says on the b3 bot spam thing. Is that a plugin or something? i think the !join cmd should work on all raid servers not just DR (im unfamiliar if it works on any others)
  5. "where did u go from wanting to fix cars and motorcycles and having a pair of testicles" hahahahaahahahaha staab has no ballz
  6. i shall translate this to english, as best as i can; Hello dear members of raid community, i seem to be a little timid and rough on CoD4, im sure you smart folks fell for my "trolls" that i played on you a lot. I am sorry and i wish to go to a forest and turn over leaves, will u forgive me? Anyways, i dont know about ur "trolls" but i will provide leaves for u to turn over if u wish.
  7. - Getting 1k on youtube legit, then lost like 300 subs due to that inactivity crap removing the users that were inactive Some other minor ones like winning scrims, winning competitions online, nothing big :D
  8. i agree - esp when its low players as u said it can be quite boring
  9. whats that i smell? a banhammer.
  10. birthday synd happy! :troll: happy birthday mate, have a good one
  11. was afk for about 2 days, then i seen this and well well well, Troll u 100% deserve this been active for so long, always on ts3 good mature guy to speak to. Good player, good mapper and scripter /yes
  12. Yes i do like this a lot, i played it on Xbox a lot and it was somuch fun. Lets see how this plans out!
  13. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes 100% i have understood and passed them all. What is your real name?: Jac Paterson What is your in-game name?: Purity or ^^99Purity How old are you?: 17 What is your primary server?: Deathrun, but im active on Fun every day to look out for hackers and abusers. What is your B3 CID?:28217 What is your Xfire?: jacdude7 What is your Skype?: featsaso36 What is your Steam?: n/a What is your Origin?: n/a What makes you a good admin?: I have been admin on call of duty for over 4 years now, wide ranging from Cod2-4-5, i have had as much experience as i could ever get to be honest, i know all the commands, i know how to use them and i certainly dont abuse any power that is given to me. I have been taught how to use rcon tool and b3 for years, i have banned and reported many many hackers. There is evidence of my determination in my reports, i don't play for the adminshhip, i play for fun, but i also want to help in another way (hence why i report hackers) to bust them and to help Raid and its reputation. I have been a mod for about a year on the zombie cod2 server led by ibuddie, ive led my own clans =LoJ= and *PGR* both which lasted for several months, and LoJ is still going but i retired. This led to my expereince as a lvl 100 and lvl 80 admin, with more power beholds more responsibility and i have learnt that through the years. on Cod4 i have had admin experience in many times, on Styx i was a member for a year, i got lvl 40 admin and showed determination and progression in admin skill to be a lvl 60 admin and a mentor for others. This is no easy task, as recruits alone have to go through a monht of training before a vote. So the range from me a recruit to a lvl 60 mentor took patience and determination. I can refer you to Topper, the styx leader and he will tell u of how many hackers i stopped, how i behaved in the servers and how i acted maturely with my powers. In other small clans i have been lvl 40 admin, mods etc helping again stop hackers and helping the clan progess. This is my motivation for Raid, i wish to be a helping hand, i am NOT in it for power, i simply believe that 1. everyone should follow rules and 2. hackers need the slap of a !ban. I know i would be a good admin on raid as i know the rules and regulations, (on that note, some admins think when i see "language" it means im telling them to speak english, but no i mean watch your language ie dont insult) and im very active. I play for hours every day on both FUN and DR. I have a good relationship with everyone on the server, i help out as much as i can with everyone. no one is singled out. Overall, i know the system, i know the commands, i know what i have to do and i know how to do it safely and without causing problems or abuse. Im extremely active on the servers as u all know, i am active on ts3 im on every single day talking to people and answering any queries they have. I do not swear ingame or insult others, other than the odd rage ( everyone does it so ) but also i say to people not to insult, dont spam etc etc. I think my determination to catch hackers is well prooven in the ticket system, i have only been on this raid community for around 2 months and yet there is a list of people i have reported, which have been banned and also those that i have reported to admins on XFIRE and then not been uploaded to the ticket system. What skills do you have?: GFX skills - i practise them as a hobby, i have done a few sigs for the members inc. kratos and made avatars for a few too. My work is shown in my signatures, they arent the best but its something i enjoy. I have video editing skills on C4d and Sonyvegas, after effects etc. i edit cod4 promod clips, note: i have been playing promod for around 3 years and have got rather good :3. I can and have skinned guns ( easy to do but again another thing i enjoy ) and a "skill" i have is noticing and reporting hackers ;) note: not really relevant but i suppose this falls under maturity, i have 11 GCSE's and have just completed my A levels ( Brit fag ) What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Styx gaming, =LoJ= (lions of juda), *PGR*, [kS], *.ZK.* - zombies cod2 clan, *|UP|* - famous cod2 zombies clan. All of these clans and communities i have been lvl 20-80 admin on. Why should we choose you?: I am one active mofo, on every day from 2pm-4am every day, im on ts3 and xfire every day, im on the servers both DR and fun every single day looking out for hackers and abusers. I know the admin commands and i dont abuse, i know how to ban admins including b3 evaders and undetectable names. I can recognise hackers and provide HD evidence if they register reports. I want to help the Raid community and i think this is one of the best ways since im not the best at mapping scripting :D, i like to keep the game fair and hacker free. I honestly think i would make a good admin, not blowing my own trumpet but i do. I am determined and willing, im not lazy and i wont let anyone down. I can work with everyone, i speak english and can help others. I have good relationships with everyone in this community, and i have got close with a few people. I also have a good sense of humour, im not extremely serious and i like to have fun, but im mature and respect others. If u have got this far and read my app i thank you, please leave your feedback and honest opinions below. Thank you all, -Purity :happycry:
  14. thought he was testing it with you, maybe he knows some info :D
  15. Need to ask lossy or bumba i pressume for approx date but they're still testing a lot and adding things. Be patient my padawan -Purity
  16. <- staab
  17. Rednose, Xenon, fearZ and staab :troll:
  18. just keep swimming :dave: Cu
  19. GG slaya, good tutorial nub
  20. ughhhh, this is rushed tbh. Barely been on forums or in the community fully anyways, active on DR good skills on DR dont know if he has any admin experience ... SORRY BUT IM HONEST. anyways, has a good repuation with players ingame, is very active and nice to talk to -Purity Good luck
  21. Going to give my liver another kicking, Farewell for now :dave:

  22. yes yes yes! can't wait to see this finished and on Raid deathrun :troll:
  23. since that guy did the most useless reply ever i will attempt to help u. This is a windows tutorial but im sure it has the same basics as a crapple mac good luck!
  24. Good guy, very active on ts3 and DEATHRUN nice guy to speak to, good laugh and mature! Youtube channel is nice, good tutorials Good luck m8
  25. Hello m8 welcome to the forums enjoy ur stay