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Everything posted by Twix

  1. +1 for glow <3 Can't comment on much else besides fusion, fun map once in awhile but I'm not sure about having it on rotation. Its also filled with glitches, none game-breaking just some that might stall out the game. Something and onsea look interesting, rest look sort of meh.
  2. in NC for a week, looking for Anti-- I mean visiting my grandparents

    1. Spencer


      record and upload the beating pls

    2. Grezwal


      jesus anti swull

    3. Twix


      oh dear lord

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. YT supports HTML5 now
  4. Honestly, I'll take any excuse to be done with that garbage anyways. All hail our HTML5 overlords.
  5. Video game or otherwise. Post your favorites (entire OSTs, songs from them, covers, whatever) (All the SH OSTs are great but 4 is my favorite, probably tied with 2 though) (Again, entire OST/all Shin Megami Tensei games have killer soundtracks) And for a not-video game soundtrack-- edit: k formatting won't work, here's link Ignore what you might think its like from the image, it's a fricken amazing soundtrack
  6. christ man way to bump this Could've at least waited until july 3rd, then itd be an exact year anyways I haven't seen this movie yet, been meaning to but the soundtrack is on-point if you like Hans
  7. Would be appreciated. Would hopefully make the server more popular (people on deathrun/fun use !join zom, others go "whats that?" and join, yay popularity)
  8. Definitely did not read that wrong, nope not at all
  9. No Would you a garbage bag
  10. Yes Have you ever slept for less than 4 hours?
  11. Yes you freak Do I need to go on a diet
  12. That pun killed me to death(adder)
  13. It's a deathadder (would take another pic but phone @ %5 battery and cba)
  14. Yes Accepted or denied? (why can't I type the 3rd from last letter in the alphabet on its own)
  15. oh boy this is the perfect place to ask! /s
  16. Synd hates this :'(
  17. I too find circlejerks on reddit.
  18. 1) I have depression 2) I have ADD 3) Skinny af (95 lbs last I checked, thats 43 kg for you non-Americans) 4) Only recently got into but enjoy Magic immensely 5) I didn't know how to spell immensely without googling it :okay: 6) I'm on my computer a lot 7) Believe it or not I'm a very social person IRL, never went partying or nothin' like that but I enjoy hanging out with people 8) I was homeschooled until 8th grade, enjoy school a lot more 9) I don't remember exactly how I got this name, I'm not that huge of a twix fan either 10) I've played deathrun for...3 years?.. more or less. 11) I use a Mac 12) I really prefer Windows 13) My iPhone 5 is a piece of shit 14) I listen to a lot of music 15) Used to play drums, was never any good :dave: 16) My first game with real online experience was Jedi Knight Academy, but I personally find Phantasy Star Online a lot more memorable (didn't even get the game, just played the demo on Xbox lol) 17) I like photography 18) I want to travel when I grow up 19) I want to do something in psychology because people are interesting 20) My name is Owen (that probs should've been first) Wow 20 already :/
  19. While you're at it Makarov and every character unlock past Sonic (minus the stupid fucking dog) don't have character-appropriate hands. E.g., player model has no gloves but hand model uses the marine hands. Thought it was going to be fixed in the next update but I'm posting this now on that slim chance it wasn't gonna be.
  20. whoa that's actually a decent song o:
  21. Happy birthday man! Myself, I love psychology, would like to go into that field in college at least as a minor. I don't know if I have the commitment to see it through to a doctorate or what have you :dave: