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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. And mp_dr_likeabossV2 :dumb:
  2. Possible for BraXi/Lossy and Rednose :dave:
  3. :wat:
  4. What others said, just incredible! But hes for sure better then BraXi :troll:, but for real now I don't know. Lets say we should make a competition who's better at mapping (Rednose or BraXi) ? xD
  5. You make me always laughing hahahah
  6. Should be like this if I'm not wrong? xD if( isDefined( level.ee_step6_active ) && level.ee_step6_soul_c
  7. Double checking is always good ;) and I already read what siikdude said
  8. Get Hirens Boot and check there if your HDD is dead or not, otherwise make a backup if ain't dead
  9. probaly from wingzor lol
  10. I don't celebrate it either, but happy thanksgiving to you guys :) Btw those who do celebrate it, read this :> Copy and paste from Wikipedia ftw
  11. Then I will join and mess with all of you :troll:
  12. hahaha *Edit* Siikdude fk off downvoting me for nothing little kid. And yes this pisses me now off for downvoting me for nothing.
  13. Hot girlfriend you got there B)
  14. Hello there, I was a bit bored so I wanted to make a small tutorial for those who don't know how to deal with viruses/malwares etc. So I'm gonna explain a bit what what program does and will give one of the best programs here what is TRUSTED. STEP 1 Program Free (manualy): If you don't know how to disable the active virus, then open task manager (right click on windows start menu and choose "Start Taskmanager". When you opened Taskmanager, go to processes. Find the program what you downloaded/installed on your PC or Laptop in that list. When it doesn't got the name from the program, look if one of the proces is acting weird. IF you found the virus, disable it by clicking on that proces and then right below at the corner "End Proces". If you can't select or end the proces, we will use a few programs that you'll need for sure. STEP 2 With program: ADWcleaner: This is a easy simple program to use. And yes this one is trusted and its 100% legit. *What does it do?* What it does, it scans your PC (not completely) just the backdoor files and backgrounds etc, like a file behind your Desktop. This scan takes about a minute (depends what for PC you got, if you got a very old PC like from 2000 then ofc it will take some time), but in general now a days it takes about a minute. So what you will going to do is, once you downloaded it (no install required and its always free), opened it and it will say that you need to download the newer version (Don't do this because it will delete the current one and it will do nothing after that), so press CANCEL when that popup comes. Once you opened it, just hit the big button what says "SCAN". After it scanning it will say (Pending. Please uncheck elements you don't want to remove.) Remove only what you know its trustable and you know what it is and does, but for the rest just check it. After doing that just hit the Clean button and it will restart your PC and it will popup with a Report logfile what the program removed. This was ADWcleaner and here is the download: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware: This program is free but it is only free because of Trial of 30 days. And yes this one is trusted and its 100% legit. *What does this program do?* What this program does, is searching for only any possibilities of malwares. Anyways, go to this site and download the free version (the orange big button). Once you installed the program, open the program. When you did this, you will see a screen with alot of options for those who doesn't know how to use it. Well just look right below at the corner and you will see a big green box what says "Scan now", OR you look up and you will see a small box what says "Scan". Click on that to see what it got inside. You will see 3 options, a Threat scan, a Custom scan and a Hyper scan. You can only use the first 2 (I think its just me who can use the first 2 options because my trial has expired). Anyways we will use the first 2 for THOSE who are EXPERIENCED with computers or does understand what I'm saying here. The threat scan is just the standard scan so just the same as at the home page with the big greenbox what says Scan Now. But for the Custom one, click on it and click after that on Scan Now. I recommand to check everything what it gives to check you there, you can see here below what I checked to be sure what I'm thinking. When you did this just click Start Scan and it will scan. And for those who clicked at the beginning at Scan Now and for the custom users now, when its done with scanning it will ask to delete this malware. Of course you will delete the malware. HITMAN PRO: And there is a program called Hitman Pro. This is a really awesome software, you can read it here why it is awesome. read here why and how to install I hope you guys enjoyed and learned something, thank you for reading this and stay safe!
  15. Congratz guys, I'm the next one :troll:
  16. Well ask Anti on xfire/steam later, I asked long time ago ^^
  17. I'm 17 and hes 16 lol (without kidding)
  18. >And he's younger then me pls.. :dave: xD
  19. Oh my... I know MW2 for ages better then you :Troll:
  20. But Rust is a survival game, you can't no scope there and do a 360 :o... :troll:
  21. you're noob :davE:
  23. was tired xd, after work I went to the concert :dave:
  24. Mehh at a concert: Didn't wanted to put my dad in here so I made a screenshot with Gyazo from only me :3
  25. I don't know what you tried to say to me but ok, I know this for a long time ago :yuno: Anyways, he do got changed alot in his face and body since from his last photo or is it just me. Or saw the wrong photo from him :horror: anyways nvm.