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Everything posted by BigTekker

  1. Hey guys I was just wondering how do you set up a deathrun server on Mac so I can play with my friends in aus ?
  2. damn im so annoyed that i didn't get admin
  3. sorry guys i have been away i have been competing for skiing i pretty disappointed with my effort i came 29 for GS and 55 for SkierX

    1. Twix


      i dont know what those mean but they sound nice so good job!

    2. Purity
  4. Thanks all of you for giving me feedback on my admin form if you would like to give some feed back about me it is in the admin application thank no hate stay great Tekker

  5. That's good I beging to worrie about deathrun, cj, ts and the website
  6. Hey guys sorry I haven't been on laterly It is because I been away at my farm probs coming back tomorrow or the next day
  7. Hello and welcome your face to the forums if you need any gfx I'm happy to make you a logo or a background
  8. Good luck you derverve it
  9. good luck m8 u really deserve admin you always friendly to me and help me out
  10. my Skype is monte.kellet1 if u want gfx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigTekker


      u sure coz my Skype is monte.kellett1 and Monte|Tekka

    3. Pixel


      do you have a portfolio?

    4. BigTekker


      yeah i just havnt uploaded i a while cos i been away

  11. hey guys anyone need some gfx?

  12. Good luck I away see u online and talk to u bit amd ur really nice
  13. One of my fav non admin on the server
  14. Hey guys I was just wondering what actually counts as spam because people or the weekend were changing there name very quickly to different and I'm not sure if I should report them or not
  15. Good guy to play dr with just maybe be a bit more active
  16. I really want to get into making maps for raid dr if someone can help me make a map and teach me the basic of mapping thanks
  17. I will report the man or woman when they get on tomorrow
  18. Thank you when I got on my computer tomorrow I will be show to report this man or woman
  19. Good idea I like it
  20. Good guy fun to play with good luck

Do you accept the requirements?: yes I will list copy of the requirement below and will give you a link for proof like a check list Requirements -10 Posts on Forums -16 Years or Older (Exceptions allowed): well I am 14 I Hope I could be one of the exceptions -40 Approx. Hours on Servers -100 Connections on Servers -10 days of forum account being online -Mature and respectful of others : I am always respectful and mature to other clan mates unless they disrespecting me 

What is your real name?: Monte 

What is your in-game name?: ^^55Tekker

 (also known as Tekker in blue writing) How old are you: 14 

What is your primary server?: Raid-Gamming defiantly 

What is your B3 CID?: 26082 What is your Xfire?:

 ttttekka What is your Steam?: cyclo_dusty

 What makes you a good admin? Well I don’t commit to that many thing so I can do all of them without making anyone upset and once I commit to something it is very hard to make me back out unless it is every important and worth more then my gaming by the way gamming is properly as high up as sporting career and they a very important feature in my life :

What skills do you have?:well I am a experienced editor. I could do an edit any time for anyone for free also (if I’m not busy) . I am a well-known graphic designer too. But I mainly prefer editing my YouTube channel is

 What clans/communities/forums have you been at? Well I have been many clan and lead 9 clans on call of duty ps3 and Xbox (not in order) some of them are Supra, Lucid, Zoo, Hunt, Trilogy, Zone, Astral, A9, AV, and Horizon. all of them that I have either lead for a bit or been a graphic designer, editor or been a player have over 7 thousand subscribers so I know how much leader ship maturity and effort to put into a community 

 Why should we choose you? Well I a have previously stated before I have been a leader, player, Editor or Graphic Designer and in fairly big call of duty clans. Even though that I am two years younger then the requirement age 16 I am every mature/Respectful to everyone in the way that they would they would like to be treated Hopefully you can consider me and give me a chance as a Trial Admin Thank you J
  22. I think the first one and the last one are broken I will try fix it thanks for the feedback
  23. Good luck m8
  24. sorry i didnt know jaagg u deserve it