
CoD4 Lead Admin
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Posts posted by West

  1. Congratulations all you wonderful people on your promotions, you'll exceed any expectations we have of you.


    See you all on the servers and if you have any questions be sure to question either us, or your fellow server admins.





    .....and we're always watching. ;)




  2. What is your Xfire?: 12093


    I'm just a little bit confused by this bit, xFire has been shut down and not operable anymore, and therefor has been taken out of our application form (Our updated Application form can be located right here.), but I assumed that was your B3 ID, but that B3 ID correlates to an account with 2 connections, if you could update that information, I'd be more than happy to have our Lead Admin+ team vote on your application.






    Your***(I posted that at 11:00pm while being sick, give me a break. ;_; ) admin application can now be voted on Lead Admins+. Best of luck on your application!


  3. I'm actually very for this, I only join promod to snipe, and that's it. Would be a fun addition to compliment the rest of our servers.


    And since our Promod servers are used so much, I see no problem at all with this being un-populated.
