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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. You're right, it's not hard to do most of that stuff. But the thing new mappers normally struggle with is the placement of it, or they add it in the wrong place and think: "Oh that looks awful, I'll just leave it", instead of trying to make it work. Long story short, they don't have enough patience or commitment to do things properly. Another problem with new mappers is that a LOT of dr maps nowadays have basically no detail, therefore setting the standard extremely low. For example, mp_dr_slay is played a lot on the server yet has hardly any detail (no offense to JR, it's a well made map just lacks some detail). So people see Slay and think: "Well if this map has no detail and gets played a lot, why can't mine?". It's a viscous loop.
  2. Looks amazing braxi, good job
  3. Doesn't your auto-acti script work off addTriggerToList?
  4. Also for this kind of thing you need to make a ticket. 17 isn't too high, shouldn't take much more than a week of playing to get back
  5. I'm not sure if this is around your skill level or not, but I'd like a tutorial on importing custom models. Ie, converting a .obj to an xmodel using maya
  6. Yeah it only worked because I still have the same PC
  7. Back when PB worked I could do $dumpuser to see when I first joined, and a while ago I was looking through my usermaps folder and did sort by date; hence showing the first map I downloaded.
  8. Noticed you have a typo for secret: "secert"
  9. I believe mine was Darmuh's mp_dr_cherry on the 18th March 2013.
  10. Try doing music() { level waittill( round_started ); AmbientPlay( song1 ); } Excuse the formatting, wrote it in my phone
  12. Jesus Christ Anti. Edit: I've done it, read it all! Wtf were you thinking writing that? :o
  13. Add a nice vision file to the desert part
  14. Also has scoria written all over it
  15. Or just use the media one.. [media]link[/media]
  16. I can't watch more than 20 seconds of that.. Shooting a couple of shots at everything then constantly reloading is possibly the most annoying thing to do for a video, sorry not sorry.
  17. Oh sorry, I misread. But, yeah. He would have made a model in maya and converted it to a model that can be used in cod4. There's are loads of tutorials on how to do this online, the hardest part is installing maya. (needs to be 8.5)
  18. You need to make a HUD. has half the things you'll need and explains them Could also look at existing files and learn from them, on my phone at the moment so can't provide you with an example
  19. In order to do that the files would have to be .wav instead of .mp3. A wav file is significantly larger than an mp3 meaning that Raid's iwd would be ridiculously big to download :/
  20. who r u? Welcome back Pixel!
  21. :wat: Anyways, welcome to the forums.
  22. This is when I when I wish I was a billionaire (._. ) "Oh hey, here's all the things you need. Oh, have some compensation for the lost work why not" *dishes out several thousand pounds*