
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. I'm crying :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: In all seriousness, welcome back Ben! It's been a long ass time, hope you enjoy the Raid community as much as we did with Blur. Nice to have you around again! +1
  2. Twixieeeeeeee Welcome
  3. radiation() { rads = getent( "radzone", "targetname" ); for( i = 0; i < rads.size; i++ ) rads[i] thread onEnter(); } onEnter() { while(1) { self waittill( "trigger", player ); player shellshock( "radiation_low", 3 ); if( isdefined( player.radcount ) ) player.radcount++; else player.radcount = 0; if( player.radcount >= 80 ) { player suicide(); player.radcount = 0; } wait 0.5; } } Haven't fixed anything, just your formatting was making me sick
  4. So where was that script stolen from?
  5. You forgot one thing.. Incredibly glitched
  6. To be honest, I genuinely do that when something messes up in radiant and it normally works. It's a suggestion because it may or may not work, guess who I won't try to help again..
  7. Isn't it obvious? If it doesn't fix it, hit the key again to undo whatever you did... :facepalm: Seems like everyone is to blame for your problems apart from you.
  8. We suggested a fix and when it didn't work you had a go? Sorry for trying to help out.
  9. Go through your keyboard clicking every button until it's gone :dumb: That's what I do
  10. BraXi being helpful again at last<3
  11. I guess you'll likey this then :dumb:
  12. Nothing personal to you, but, Raid may decide they want their own channel set up by themselves. I'm not saying that you'd do a bad job of it, but there are many capable youtubers in this community. It's like me saying 'We should have a promod server but I need to be a community manager and have rcon cause I thought of it'. It doesn't work that way. Lossy/Darmuh/Thomas may decide they want you to be 'in charge' of the channel but you can't go assuming that you already are, they would need to make the decision.
  13. I like the idea of it as long as there are enough people to contribute and keep it going, would help attract lots of players as I'm pretty sure around 80% of people find server's through YouTube. However, one thing: I don't think that's for you to decide.
  14. He didn't correct any grammar
  15. Bumba's one of the people I know back from the early days of Blur, in around a year of playing Deathrun/CJ with him I can honestly say I've never seem him out of line. Personally, I think he would make a great admin.
  16. Been having some trouble figuring out a suitable way to make a working conveyor belt, thought I should call on the community for help! Basically, I just want a moving conveyor belt that a player could stand on, I can't think of how this would work as surely I would need a brushmodel of infinite length or it will 'run out'. If anyone knows how to do this could you kindly say on either xfire (sentrexdr) or post below! Thanks in advance.
  17. Have already tried it, doesn't recognise it as a function
  18. You're not fooling anyone.
  19. I assume there's no possible way of doing it then?
  20. Hapy Brithday indeed. Have a good'un!
  21. Nice mod name :dumb:
  22. Formatted properly now & added a hud :dave:
  23. This one time I was walking when I saw