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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Any idea how that was done? :/
  2. Should have an ice lake with a translucent bluey texture and place loads of dead bodies that have been frozen beneath it :dave:
  3. Still has more than you <3
  4. Were you stalking me yesterday? o.O
  5. In a land underneath the ground, where the people had lots of fun things to do, but this was really the end of everything, or was it? I dreamt that I dreamt this. I lack imagination, because of a terrible habit, to sniff plastic. I think I'm a stupid fatty. Sometimes I feel Like a potato that's been abused by a fryer. Then someone attacked the Little Indian who was then assaulted by a hungry fat Yogi Bear that fell off the swing-set. Startled, he quickly contacted the pringles helpline and said "She gave birth to seabass." on that day they attacked. The Arnold Schwarzeneggers ran into their death. Bear cried. I cried as well. Everyone cried. It's Lossy's secret fetish
  6. When I was born I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and wasn't breathing for a few mins D: Something you won't know about me (that's kinda creepy) is that my grandfather has the exact same birthday as me, only I was born at 2.32AM and he was born at 2.42AM. My brother was also born at 2.30AM but in a different month :o
  7. One day in the shittiest jacuzzi, I farted heavily and the bubbles grew like a cow in labor. I wondered why my dick spontaneously started to attack like a crazy hungry meowing pussy. Later I realized, my middle leg suddenly grew from those magic beans that I stole from a hippy named Sr. Cloudy. The next day Cloudy ate cereal while he sucked my crusty hole that smelt bad. My Butt Plug got awkwardly stuck in my toaster. While I penetrated my nostril someone helped by inserting his finger into a glory hole while he said "What a wonderful moment is this" whilst he sucked the worlds biggest, thickest, tallest, widest most tastiest piece of crusty maggot flavoured paprika seasoned seabass shit, that fucking guy yesterday decided to dance On Some dick while listening to "Let It Go." sung by Darmuh. It was the death of mankind. The next day, my butt plug was karate chopped by Santa Clause With Water Melon coated hairy balls. Out of nowhere my dick was on 3 fucking words. The next day I woke up. Surrounded by the smoke, I slept. For ninety years, a bear farted on my balls, it felt so kinda really weird. Then I remembered, I had to eat the yellow Hannah soaked honey hidden inside the Crusty Anus Sack of pervert staab while he fingered the big fat nipple while screaming "YES BABY MORE". 420 years later... smoke weed everyday. In my experience and knowledge, I one day realised this story is ever so slightly finding its way Into My Hole because it's horseshit. Most people believe that it's because the instructions were unclear. Dick stuck in soda machine asked for help so I called Staab to suck it out of Headdy's ugly nose. The next day, I met my mother, she was
  8. :wat:
  9. One day in the s******** jacuzzi, I farted heavily and the bubbles grew like a cow in labor. I wondered why my d*** spontaneously started to attack like a crazy hungry meowing p****. Later I realized, my middle leg suddenly grew from those magic beans that I stole from a hippy named Sr. Cloudy. The next day Cloudy ate cereal while he sucked my crusty hole that smelt bad. My Butt Plug got awkwardly stuck in my toaster. While I penetrated my nostril someone helped by inserting his finger into a g**** hole while he said "What a wonderful moment is this" whilst he sucked the worlds biggest, thickest, tallest, widest most tastiest piece of crusty maggot flavoured paprika seasoned seabass s*** that f****** guy yesterday decided to dance On Some D*** while listening to "Let It Go." sung by darmuh. It was the death of mankind. The next day, my butt plug was karate chopped by santa clause With Water Melon coated hairy balls. Out of nowhere my d*** was on 3 FUCKING WORDS! The next day I woke up. Surrounded by the smoke, I slept. For ninety years, a bear farted on my balls, it felt so
  11. One day in the s******** jacuzzi, I farted heavily and the bubbles grew like a cow in labor. I wondered why my d*** spontaneously started to attack like a crazy hungry meowing p****. Later I realized, my middle leg suddenly grew from those magic beans that I stole from a hippy named Sr. Cloudy. The next day Cloudy ate cereal while he sucked my crusty hole that smelt bad. My Butt Plug got awkwardly stuck
  12. Funny you should say that, I'm doing that atm :p
  13. Gonna give this topic a BUMP! I've made a little start on this (hopefully no one else has already done it). Here's what I've got so far - I intend on adding way more detail so don't worry, this is all I've had time for this morning. Tell me what else I should include and whether the door system is okay!
  14. Try and use a better more unique way to start the map instead of just some random door that slides down. I have a few of ideas so feel free to use them. #1 - the passageway is blocked off by loads of snow, script the earthquake effect to play and the snow slowly breaks apart (like an avalanche). #2 - There's a lake in the pathway, play a whole load of snow/stormy effects to create a blizzard and the lake freezes over, making it safe for the players to cross. Using a slippy texture of course. #3 - You could start in a massive igloo and have a smaller, more realistic door. #4 - Same as having the igloo to start, but instead of having a door the earthquake effect plays and the igloo starts collapsing in on itself. If you don't like any of these ideas I'm not going to be offended, just perhaps try to think a new way to start. There are too many maps with just a random door that slides down which doesn't really fit into the map theme. After all, for maps, first impressions are key. If you have an awesome beginning then people are more likely to like it more. (from my experience)
  15. Well that's certainly new :dumb:
  16. Ew phelix Seriously though, nice to have you around for when I f*** up my maps ;)
  17. "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”

    1. Darmuh


      Elk you do know competition is best for a free market right? It makes people push to make better products and in this case pushes people to catch bigger and better fish. Also, true communism has never been practiced and likely never will be

    2. TheSuitedElk


      But they aren't competing with eachother in selling the fish, they're competing with eachother in obtaining the fish for themselves (hence the market ought not be regarded in this context); therefore it would urge them to develop new techniques for catching the hypothetical fish, rather than to catch fish of a higher quality.

      There is only a finite supply of fish, ergo the problem still stands; teaching someone else to fish damages your own fish yield.

    3. Darmuh


      You make a good point, but this saying is usually applied to situations where there is not a finite resource.

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  18. Could be worse :/
  19. Please don't apologise..
  20. Loving that double spacing, I shall follow in your footsteps! As for Diehard I think it would just be best to take it out completely, was silly as it was before because people would have competitions as to how many times they could go in the secret in one round; a massive waste of time. Skydeath should have a fairly low limit as to how many times you can attempt it in my opinion, from experience I've seen that most people that can, in fact, do the secret are able to do it extremely quickly with < 5 tries. I'm not sure if it's possible but I think it would be best to keep the secret there just make it teleport you half way into the map. Perhaps just after the staircase where you shoot the targets? I can't think of any secrets that desperately need to be nerfed off the top of my head but I'm sure some will come to me later on so I'll update this post! Please do say so if you disagree as I'm open to hear other's opinions :)
  21. >Avoiding the question because you know you're wrong
  22. So you wouldn't mind playing stock maps if they were all one texture and nothing could actually work in real life? As long as the brushes and models are in the same place?
  23. The amount of kids that complained about my map because I added a 'spooky ambiance' as opposed to some shitty dubstep/dnb is ridiculous
  24. WARNING - Picture bombardment. I have two dogs, one 7 months, one 12 years. Enjoy!