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Posts posted by Triton

  1. Alright let's get into this *cracks knuckles*, I've got quite a few ideas that on paper sound quite cool but I just never end up getting round to making them in practise, these are all deathrun map ideas btw^


    So my first idea would be a prison(Alcatraz), you may say this has been done before, BUT! Not like how I'm picturing it. You start off in like a cell and it would be sort of dark(the warm up time) after that the time was over, the screen would be brighten up and your cell door would open, to make this fair for every player there would be say 15 cells. I'm picturing it similar to mob of the dead on black ops 2 zombies, if you've played that^.

    The activator would act as a warden in a sense so traps would be fairly unique, cell doors falling on your head, electricity wires dangling down from the ceiling and would shock you if you touched them etc, various prison hazards.

    So Start in a cell > Down a dark grim hallway > Navigate around a dinner hall/dining hall > eventually reach warden's office and kill him, simples! But if you where to have a crack at this, please make it creepy, ambient scream sounds, make it feel like you are in a prison

    The Grim hallway




    Another Misc Place



    Next idea: Underwater perhaps? This would require shit tons of effort if you were to actually try it, I'm picturing it similar to Leviathan from WaW, which is executed pretty well. I'm thinking of the activator acting as the overseer of the underwater base that you would be in, he would control door's opening and closing so you would run out of oxygen, parts of the base just collapsing and becoming full of water so you would drown, could be pretty fun



    I don't think this next idea has been done, but perhaps a casino? It would be pretty fucking cool if you had to navigate around like poker tables avoid machines falling on your heads and you could genuinely make it unique if you actually tried to make if you tried haha. But nevertheless the traps could be very centric to the theme aswell with very chilled music, perhaps come calm jazz in the background of the map :dave:. Check out hotel from black ops 1, since that seems to perfect it^





    Will edit when more pop into my head^


  2. Bumpity Bump Bump :P

    Recently I've started to play more of a different variety of games, trying out genres that I probably wouldn't have a crack at, I'm actually rather enjoying, and also I need to update my selection of games with some of my newer favourites of 2014/2015 :P


    Newer Games :P

    Payday 2 - Just fucking love robbing banks xD

    Grand Theft Auto V PC - Game is just beyond amazing, seriously I've not had more fun. (Fucking mikey man, blowing me up)

    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - I saw that the game was 80% off on bundlestars and was like wow that's really cool. I actually really fucking loved it.
    Borderlands 2 - Bought it on teh Xbox, on sale ofc. and it's just felt so fun :')
    South Park: Stick of Truth - Don't even need to describe it, just amazing. So hyped for the next game.
    Older Games
    Little Big Planet - Got my old PS3 working and found a selection of older games and hot damn people are so creative in this game.
    World of Warcraft - Hate it or not, recently me and tim roll have gotten back into it and I'm actually really enjoying it, it's bringing back a lot of good memories.
    Garry's Mod - Eventhough I may not have as many hours as a lot of you. This game is just the definition of fun, so many hours I've put into DarkRP.
    Sly Cooper Collection - Found it in that stash of games, childhood feels all round.
    Call of Duty 4 - Obviously has to be here, wouldn't be here without it :P

  3. Okay, let's dive into this!


    First of all thanks for keeping deathrun mapping alive, it's good to see that people are actually still active in this community, now that I've got that out of the way let's begin


    The map is a good start for deathrun mapping however, before you release a map I would of highly suggested bug testing the entire thing so that way people can report back bugs and you can a non-broken release, even if you can think you can't fix simple things, just ask around of forums and I'm pretty sure you will get an answer somewhere or another, but when it comes to rainbow hands, it seems that you don't know how to fix them, it's actually relatively simple (EDIT: Ahh okay)

    Radiant > Textures > Usage > Tools > Lightgrid Volumeca5ade281bce4e7556d2c0e68b3a011c.gif


    Anyway, moving on. When making a deathrun map you need a mix of interesting & fun, so keep that in mind if you continue on making on maps. So next time perhaps try to add some models into your map. It can make a big difference when you can have a few models just lying around making the space look full and not just empty, and also perhaps you could try having a mess with terrain, making certain parts of the map not just square and flat, but different perhaps

    Wait... it makes a little difference,



    This is all that i basically have to say, if you wanna take my shitty tips into consideration then feel free, but be sure to check out our lord and savior @Darmuh's post about how to make a great deathrun map

    Mini TL;DR Keep at it and you'll come out with something great


  4. Here at Raid-Gaming, we really care about our players so we often change up the map rotation to add new maps, and remove the more frequently played ones. However when doing so, it often creates tension within our deathrun server and people may begin to dislike this new rotation, this is why we can't have nice things. Also if we put framey / slay on deathrun then they'll become the overplayed maps. We apologise for any inconveniences caused but it's a cycle that will never end :/


    But nevertheless hopefully this thread will jog troll's memory to update the rotation / songs :')


  5. Treeton damnit, gime more songs like these. Didn't know you like the same music as me C:

    Yeah my music taste is like mostly house/pop/other stuff, but the majority of it is general house


    But anyway check this out, it's one of the Spotify playlists I follow, mostly house & general dance


    I like MOST of the stuff on that list for example; [ Be Right There | Sugar | To U | Sweet Lovin | Rivers | Stick Around & I Took A Pill in Ibiza ]

    So yeah, you're welcome bby, but also


  6. Just played the map, to be honest it's actually pretty better than i expected.

    It's quite long, but eh that's not an issue, however one issue i found was when you exit the music menu your screen then becomes blurry and you can't get rid of it until you die

    But still it's actually pretty good and i would suggest adding it^


  7. Sick for me, it was fun as fuck, something that most death run maps lack, *FUN*

    Pretty much mate ^^

    Anyway my favourite is flow since it just feels like fun to me, idk why, probably the end rooms. Either that or a few of the 4gf maps like: city, dirt or sg1, since they just felt iconic :3


  8. So once a year we all celebrate a special day. An extraordinary day none like any other, BOYS! IT'S @iMtroll's BIRTHDAY!!, This day we can celebrate all that tim roll has done for us, he essentially saved the community which we are all thankful for, eventhough you can be a knob at times <3, have a great day matey.


    Happy birthday brother :')


