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Posts posted by Headdy

  1. So what? I can downvote you if I want, just stay on the topic. Don't do this again, bosnian.


    So basically if I was you pixel, I'd just pick which one looks best to you. Both of Bears and Braxi's builds look good, they'll both work, they'll both do the thing you want them to do.


    So, if I had to choose, I'd pick bears build.


  2. It'll initially cost me: 

    340 + 240 - 200 =


    Yeah, I understand it. I do not think this is worth the 380 euros, for such a small upgrade. I can always OC my GTX 770 if I need to, because I'm still on stock and I have a Gigabyte GTX 770 3X Windforce, so I guess I'll be okay with some OC'ing.


    Imo, I don't really give a shit if I'm playing Ultra-High, I'm fine with both. Thanks for your help guys, I guess it's better to lock this topic. I might get a GTX 970 later, or upgrade my CPu+GPU+Mobo after a few years.


    Thanks again,




  3. Ah, okay. I totally understand your reasons. To be honest, it's just like the feeling of owning a brand new card, which kinda gives you the feeling I'm spoiled. 


    According to your reply, after I bought the GPU, it'll feel like a waste of money, but it took me quite long to make the amount of money I still need to pay (like 150eu)


  4. So after my status update I thought it would be good to open a topic to discuss about it.


    Basically, I own a GTX770 2GB now, but I thought about upgrading it. I can probably sell this one for like 200 euros, so I pay another 150 and I have a GTX970.


    My reasons to buy this card is because: 


    -4GB of VRAM

    -It's like way better then the GTX 770


    -I'm not worried about the lifespan of my GTX 770, but I guess the 2gb is just too less.

    EDIT: - Power usage. Damn.


    So, give me your opinion, please. Everybody seems to have a different opinion about this card but I really like it.


    (Take a look @ this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JalO4oHjhQA)


  5. uuuuuuuuuuuuuupdate guys!



    Thank you Ninja! :)


    6th update on 15th September:

    -> Sometimes DirectX reports 512k audiodevices and this resulted in a black screen. If this is the case it will read this as 0 deviced.
    -> Userprofiles getting now stored into the AppData\Local\CallofDuty4MW\players directory on Windows7. Prior usersettings/stats are now handled as read only and won't get destroyed.
    -> Fixed a bug which resulted in totally corrupted rcon when using CoD4X client
    -> New cvar r_noborder added. Setting r_noborder=1 and r_fullscreen=0 results in a window without the borders.
