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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. I got kicked out of school and I'm happy as fuck right now, I love life, Sure, it might fuck me over later in life, but oh well. I'm still able to sit my exams, I'm still able to go to college. when I was in school I fucking hated life so fucking much you have no fucking idea. it was the worst shit ever. I used to refuse to go into school because it was that bad, all the people I knew in school hated it. everyone pretty much hates it. School where I live doesn't make you happy. It makes you a miserable cunt. just like me. 


    Life is short yes. So live it the way YOU want to fucking live it. not how other people want you to live it. Do what makes YOU happy. not what makes other people happy. 


  2. *UPDATE*


    [F] Fixed First trap being bugged, It may still bug, But the slick part will still come up and not glitch out (99% fixed though)

    [F] Fixed The bug where you was able to shoot the activator through the wall

    [F] Fixed Where you could skip the 3rd trap, AKA The bounce

    [F] Fixed Where the map was a lot bigger in size (Removed Bumba's giant ass secret)

    [F] Fixed A bug where when the 4th trap was activated you would hit an annoying barrier

    [F] Fixed 4th trap after climbing ladder, You won't instantly die if you walk forward


    [A] Added so that if your activator and once you teleport to the next area, You are able to go back.

    [A] Added a hole in the floor so that once you finish the bounce room, You are able to shoot the person who hasn't finished from above

    [A] Added two little secrets, Not big. Just little things (Not CJ..)

    [A] Added New songs, Fresh it up a bit


    ^ Taken from Triton I also added something that i don't wanna say


    NEW DOWNLOAD. PLS UPLOAD THIS! https://www.mediafire.com/?w85pos2msjbulu1


  3. Next time learn the basics in place of asking every single detail to us while you just started today or yesterday..




    You've been mapping for about 2 years and you still don't know the basics of scripting, making posts asking for help on almost everything, it makes us all sit back and laugh at you. 



    :dumb: The irony tho :dumb:
