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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Heh, I actually figured it out later that night and was too lazy to update the post. You were correct though, if I remember correctly.
  2. Can somebody explain as to why, ever since the reboot, my notifications have been decreasing?

    1. Cloudy


      Mine in all, was at 250, now 220 :o

    2. atrX


      IPB, by default, deletes old notifications after X amount of days. (not sure how many, cba to check)

  3. mfw I go on an outreach trip to Mexico for 2 weeks and I come back only to be demoted ;__;

    1. Tilak


      cat for prez pls

    2. DeadEcho


      How was Mexico? :)

    3. Purity


      did you see poot crossing the border? :troll:

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. Good job copying that code! It refers to functions that aren't even there, so it'll throw errors no matter what you do to it, unless you create the missing functions.
  5. How am I supposed to be sneaky in class if I have these bright colors changing on my face all the time?

    1. Cat



    2. Tinman



    3. jwofles


      thought they were gonna kiss at the end

  7. From the screenies, it all looks like it's basically one texture. Try to add some foliage or some diversity, it's quite plain and boring so far.
  8. Sharknado.
  9. Sweg was talking about trucks, not muscle cars. This is the crap that gets you downvoted. All of the past 6-7 posts on this thread are from you bashing other people's ideas and promoting your own ideas. It's an opinion, and what they want to drive, so let them do it.
  10. Good Lord, my ears....
  11. Soccer/Football is so boring ;__; It's the only sport I know in which you can watch for 90+ minutes and still end up in a 0-0 tie. I'll only really watch the world cup, and even then it's boring.
  12. That spoiler was my risky click of the day, thank god it wasn't that bad.
  13. Happy Birthday ya nublet! On the bright side, at least Wofles didn't write you a fanfiction... ;__;
  14. Welp, time to call NNJ....
  15. Most laptops do allow you to install a new drive, as long as it's a 2.5 inch drive. Laptop HDD's are not really HDD's, they're SSHD (Solid-State Hybrid Drive) They're much more resistant to impacts and are therefore better for carrying around in a laptop as you won't really scratch the disks inside because it's made to be resistant to those, whereas with desktop HDD's if you bump your case a little too hard your HDD fails. All laptop drives, whether they're HDD's, SSHD's, or SSD's are all 2.5 inch form factor, and if it fits it ships. No need to get one though, as I don't think he'll be requiring faster read and write speeds for what he's looking to do.
  16. Probably your best bet with only $400. Quad core AMD CPU with 4GB of RAM, + a Radeon HD 7640G, which isn't that bad for a mobile card thats only $400. It's a bit large though, being 17.3". but it's also only 6 pounds. You'll also get a 1600x900 resolution screen with a DVD reader. Only downside is that it's refurbished, but honestly I've never had a problem with anything refurbished and all that really means is that it was broken and somebody sent it back so it got all fresh parts and put back on the shelf. It's brand new, I've never quite understood why people shy away from refurbished stuff, but oh well.
  17. 1) I can do web stuff, I just can't really link it with CoD4 status and stuff like he's done, I've never tried to do that nor learn it. 2) I've ALWAYS been good with setting up servers and managing them, tweaking settings and other such things. 3) I've been asked multiple times, "Can you restart the deathrun server? it crashed!" And every time I had to reply no. The list goes on, but rather not start a petty argument on a topic that isn't even about whether or not I have dedi access.
  18. @ I could do it...if ANYBODY EVER BOTHERED TO GIVE ME DEDI ACCESS :omfgwtfbbq: What's the point of me being a SERVER MANAGER if I don't even have server access ;__;
  19. I thought you were south african? What is this Los Angeles crap! YOU LIAR.
  20. I remember, good ol' days. :s Before that it was, then, then, which then later redirected to I think I'm missing something or have the order messed up, but that was 3-4 years ago...jeez I'm getting old D:
  21. Here's what you should do. If you still struggle with it, I'll write some of the code for you, but since it's for a class I won't write it completely so as to help you learn so you can do it yourself next time. :) 1) Ask a user for an input. 2) Ask for AM or PM. 3) Add an if statement, saying that if the input is PM, to add 12 to the number, so as to convert it into a 24 hour system. (e.g. An input of "7" and "PM" would add "12" to "7" to give you "19", which is what they're saying. 4) Take this new variable number, and add it to the elapsed time variable. That'll give you a new variable at a new time. (e.g. "19" plus "9" would give a result of "28", your new time.) 5) Add a for loop, saying if your new variable is greater than 24, to subtract 24 over and over until the number is less than 24. (e.g., "28" is greater than 24, so it would subtract 24, leaving you with "4", which is the time 9 hours after your starting time of 7 PM.) 6) Add another if statement, stating if the number is less than 12, to print the number and add the AmPm variable, and if the number is greater than or equal to 12, subtract 12 from it to get the number in 12-hour format instead of 24, and then add the AmPm variable so as to display Pm. I hope this all made sense, I can add a little bit of a shell for you to follow if this is confusing, but hopefully it makes enough sense for you to follow.
  22. I'm not quite understanding your issue here. If I understand correctly, your goal is to: 1) Ask a user for the input of the current time(In hours) 2) Select AM or PM 3) Ask a user for the input of the time elapsed(In hours) 4) Your code to print out the end result after x amount of hours has transpired since your original start time. Also, your code needs to have a loop so that it restarts every time upon completion? If so, then it'll be an endless loop of just asking for inputs, and you'd have to add something in which exits the script of you don't enter anything, which is possible in a simple if statement and adding exit(); in the else section. I'm headed off to bed now, hopefully you can tell me if I'm right or not, and I'll make a few edits to your code if I have it right. GOod luck to you, let me know if I'm right! ^^