
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Dark

  1. I would like to give a big warm hug of hello to all you nublets out there. I'm glad to say things have cleared up in my personal life and I now have spare time to enjoy other activities besides family issues and school work. Not sure if you'll all like to hear this, but look forward to seeing me more often on the servers :p Greatly appreciated to the server and Raid Community for letting this be a way to relieve stress and enjoy my days and nights. Looking forward to seeing you old friends out there as well as the ones I haven't gotten the chance to meet before. Glad to be back, Dark :)
  2. The whole reason I have not been active the past month/longer is a very long story dealing with family, that I would prefer not getting into. But as of a while back I had to move out to live with other relatives for the time being. Not knowing about the situation prior, I did not have access to a computer in order to explain the predicament. The plan now, which is not firm, but just a rough probability, is that I will be back home to Hawaii at the end of summer (late July - early August). I am truly sorry for just hopping off the radar for such a long time, but I had no way of getting it out there. I should be back soon, but until then I hope everything is going well. :) - Dark
  3. Congrats to all new Trials. Even though half of everyone doesn't even know who I am, i'm happy to say welcome :p I hope to meet you all sooner or later and, of course, bring happiness to your days (not really. :D
  4. Welcome to the community :p Hope you enjoy your stay.
  5. Bruh, words straight from the bible. Brings tears to my heart :cry: Anyways good luck Kitty (hopefully you still remember me :dave:) :D
  6. I think I might be the only asian one here... #yakuza :dave:
  7. All hail iMtroll. Gud job on server nub, looking good :p
  8. Im not sure how much of you guys or gals follow MLG events and all, but I personally am a big fan or competetive gaming as I even have my own team who compete in events for the local tournaments here in Hawaii. Not to mention taking first place for $1,000 dollars last year! :) But before I get off topic, I was just wondering who you think will take the COD Championships this year for those of you who follow up with this stuff. I'm a Denial and TK fan, but I wouldn't mind OpTic Nation or Gaming to pull through and take it. Who is everyone else routing for this weekend, I'm curious to know! :P
  9. Anti, sorry to say I don't think professional gamers would go on into a full fist fight, but you can only hope. Probabably the worst thing that would happen are a few nasty comments going back and forth. Very rarely does any physical contact happen during these things. (Which would bring the entertainment level up about 782%). But oh whales :3 And Conker you do have a good point. You never know what could hapepen during games with "the 'best SnD player in the world" :dave:
  10. Congrat on becoming trials guys! Looking forward to seeing you guys doing what you do
  11. Well I guess the in-game music doesn't really altar my gameplay experience since I keep Pandora open in the background anyways.. but oh whales. Thanks for elaborating on those technical things though Darmuh :P
  12. Coming from a Mac user... What is music on Cod4? Guess my computer isn't as technologically advanced as all of you Windows prodigies. :mellow:
  13. One of the most touching and meaningful applications I have ever read. 11/10 would accept. Just inspirational :P
  14. Just wanted to try something fun for those people who think I have a scroll, and for those people who think I have a slow finger (PC feg) :P Post your scores and let's see who actually has the fastest, and slowest, fingers. Accept thy challenge, nublets! http://www.brainbashers.com/10seconds.asp This is mines: http://gyazo.com/09a7801a0245febef28c036a397006bb
  15. Anti, great story telling skills as always. Would have to subtract some points for the lack of double spacing though. Also that there is no use of spanish words for me to learn, as I one day want to teach others the sacred language of Aunty ^_^ Nonetheless, Happy Halloween to everyone here at Raid! Stay safe little ones whilst out searching for candy :P As for the people like me, staying inside with the lights off drinking sodas and eating junk food, make sure the lights are off on the porch so no children interrupt you while you are gaming :dave:
  16. It will be my honour :dave: Learned from the best (Aunty)!
  17. Congrats to everyone who earned their spot on the team :D Also, sad to say Tilak and Bumba are retiring from duties. Best of luck to you guys for whatever your life pursues. Just want to say a big thanks to everyone for giving me a spot on the holy admin list <3 Glad to become even closer to the team and help the community out! B) Much mahalos
  18. Always on DR, always nice to others, never breaks the rules. One of the few guys with Wav3y in their name who don't act like 4 year olds... (no offense to the Wav3y guys :dave:) But overall would be a great admin in my opinion :>
  19. Good luck! I see you often in the servers and you seem very mature. Also follows the rules very well and is aware of hackers in the Fun Server with me :P Best of luck bro
  20. Welcome to the Community! :)
  21. Seen you on the server a few times, though not had any problems! Best of luck :)
  22. Good luck dude! I see you on the servers a lot. Very nice guy and follows the rules without a problem. Best wishes on the app :)
  23. Good luck! See you sometime in the Deathrun server but never got the chance to talk to you. Best of luck to you though :p
  24. Good luck! Really cool and chill dude, never any problems with him. Many wishes :)
  25. If you have not seen me come by a few times on the Deathrun server or CJ server, I'm just here to say that I have returned back home to my wonderful rock they call Hawaii. After a near death experience on a plane and horrid pollution in Japan, I am back! Let me just tell you about the plane ride on the first day: Pretty average day. Nice weather, blue skies, Economy Plus seating on the plane. All is looking good and so we take off. Normally I have a fear of flying but today just seemed like everything is going to be perfect. Well that's what I thought... 15 minutes into the flight we feel enormous shaking and loud noises coming from under the plane. Everyone is in a panic and a few people started praying already. Nobody knew what the heck was going on. Finally after 10 minutes of what felt like insane turbulence, the captain comes on the intercom and says that we have a huge hydraulic fuel leak and we need to return immediately. Normally I don't get scared of many things because I like adrenaline rushes and daredevil activities. But hell to the no am I going down on this plane. After what felt like hours on that rickety old plane, we landed and got back to the terminal. We were all informed that the flight was cancelled because of a malfunction in the planes mechanics. Let's just say I never loved walking more in my life. Okay back on to my topic after that ramble of a story. As you guys know I usually play Deathrun whenever I am on the Raid servers, but I don't think I will be playing much of that anymore. Maybe once a couple hours a week. The best place to find me will be on the Raid CJ or Fun servers because my Deathrun skills have gotten to a point worse that Darmuh playing with his feet. :troll: Just wanted to let you guys know because you might think I am inactive. I'm not, just gave up on Deathrun because i'm so bad :okay: I will still continue my trial admins duties and supervision of the servers. Otherwise, you can always find me on xfire @ohsodark or occasionally on the ts (listening of course). If you managed to read through that whole paragraph and a half that I just wrote, you are an absolute genius. Put a <3 if you got this far ;)