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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Congratulations to everyone ;)
  2. I remember you showing me this a long time ago Looks great! Good job, will gladly test if you wish
  3. Go karting I go around twice a month with my shifter kart from China, and go with my dad
  4. Oi, Syndie boy, when you see this I'm getting runescape membership again today <3 then we can finally be OSRS buddies <3<3<3<3<3<3

    1. Synd
    2. Cloudy


      sounded like a 9 year old again lol

    3. Down
  5. Are you left handed? If so makes sense, I have my mouse the other side of my keyboard and use my left hand for WASD and Spacebar etc, I just keep my fingers on WASD and put my thumb on spacebar, then move my thumb upward to c to make me crouch. P.S I think this is why you're so bad :troll:
  6. To be honest, it would be active for a month or so, then completely die unfortunately, that's the way it is with Promod. However it's a good idea and i'd play on it, but as I said it wouldn't be active for long EDIT: Not saying I'm not down for it, would love for it to be there so I can rek that nub @Purity c:
  7. Tried adding to favourites again? IP's for all servers; (For zombies I believe, not sure if correct) Just add those IP's to the favourites or directly connect via console. To connect via console press the ` key underneath ESC or above Tab, with the following command; connect (Can be any IP to any server) EDIT: @Anti also may be able to help you due to him owning a Mac (nub) so if this doesn't work, PM him as he might know the answer
  8. Welcome to the forums I'll fite ya for a hamburger mate
  9. PS4 isn't even a massive difference, the 30 fps kills me and the textures are horrible. Also jaggies are everywhere Looking forward to PC Gta 5 <3
  10. Might buy it for my PC! Birthday in two weeks so will get some money then and probably buy it Decided I will buy it C:
  11. Whalecum to the forums Enjoy your stay
  12. Anti was never going to retire, he said it was a troll just like the other times However I don't quite believe this ;_; Don't forget Thomas did a party thing yesterday o.0 This is all lies!
  13. Tried it, cocked up ;-;
  14. Chillin' drinking these Fruit Shoots like a badman & staying up past my bedtime like a rebel

    1. ~Budzy~


      everything became shit when its made sugar free

    2. Anti


      All fun and games until you're doing cartwheels half naked in front of a police station 2:00AM in the morning while reciting the national anthem backwards :dave:

    3. Synd
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  15. LOL LETS GET HYPED LADS P.S You could just click the pause button in the top left :P
  16. Welcome to Raid. Enjoy your stay
  17. Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Matthew What is your in-game name?: Cloudy How old are you?: 14 (15 in April) What is your primary server?: Deathrun, although can be any, it varies sometimes What is your B3 CID?: @30 What is your Xfire?: cloudy197 What is your Steam?: cledi or cloudy1972 (It's either one, not entirely sure) What makes you a good admin?: I've had countless experiences of moderating servers, such as once being apart of Raid, and unfortunately being stupid enough to resign, thinking I would quit, but I wont bore you with story C: But I have a superior knowledge of acting as maturely as possible in-game, and try not to get into arguments, and instead try to solve the issue, or if not, take it to another place other than the Shoutbox/Server. Other than that, I'm mature, respectful to others, and have already been in the "Admin Team" here at Raid, and would love to once again become an Admin. What skills do you have?: This may not benefit you, but I'm currently learning how to be a Website Developer, and trying to have a go at UE4, however my knowledge of UE4 is basic, and I hope to update either this thread, (if not answered) or another thread containing my work, which should be relatively good, once I have all the tutorials watched :) What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I've been at quite a few communities such as; Raid, Blur, JoKe, Vistic, and TwS. Why should we choose you?: In the past year I've played Raid, I've matured quite a lot as a whole, and I enjoy playing Raid, and it's been my first server to go to since I started. I can also remain mature when being called names in the server, and can deal with certain Rule Breakers with ease. And already have all the knowledge an admin could need if anything comes up, which needs to be fixed, or if somebody is having an issue with VIP, I can easily help them out via Xfire/Steam/Skype. All in all, if you're looking for somebody with prior admin knowledge, and can remain calm and mature while dealing with Rule Breakers, I'm your guy. I also have some benefits, which include managing the Site, and have a limited but worthy knowledge of keeping servers in order. That's it, if I find anything to add, I will, because it seems a little bit on the short side :troll: ( reference from old application, but it does seem too short for me :( ) I'll also enjoy reading the constructive criticism the all mighty Raid community have to offer
  18. To be honest, does it really make that much of a difference if I'm active on Raid? Not really, because I've been saying for a while to stop copying Raid, and only now am I getting through to them. Zeus and I are making them a mod which aren't copying Raid, and apologies for the incidents which we have. As the forums I'm going to fix that today so it doesn't look like we're copying Raid. I didn't initially want to be an owner, and while everyone else was being childish and picking on Fedzor saying it was just "banter" and deciding to be quite rude to them both, I decided to help them, and it happened to be that I gathered owner. And when I did apply I wasn't an owner for Quantum. I think I have a decision on my hands because if I'm owner at Quantum, you wont accept me for Raid. But then if I do leave Quantum (once again) people will just think of me as a non loyal member.
  19. 1.) The wind in the willow - Not really Action packed, but it could be labelled as an Adventure. 2.) Narnia - Amazing film 3.) Batman 4.) The Spiderwick Chronicles 5.) "Flight" - Amazing, and is why i'm scared of planes.
  20. Looks good mate, well done
  21. Nice bump ;_;
  22. Good luck mate Cool guy, known him a while
  23. I'm already sorted for my future car: My dream car, I can just picture myself in this Also, what I drive today is! And lastly!