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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Welcome to the forums!
  2. Welcome back. Although you never really went :)
  3. Nice looking map!
  4. You requested for me too look at your app :) Good luck, you certainly have some trial worthy potential in your brain! You've been completely fine ever since I met you, and quite mature. best of luck, wishes and regards, Cloudy!
  5. Awesome guy, knows the rules, respects other players etc etc, If I had to pick one out of all of the applicants, it would be Purity :)
  6. You posted all of this on your app... No need for it twice, nor three :( I think you're just running out of ideas for posts, so you post your GFX, maybe you should update your app, instead of making pointless threads which have already been seen/made before.
  7. Lol, I don't give a f***, England's a shit hole :
  8. weelp, Good luck :> I have seen you on the server a couple times, but it could just be time difference that I don't see you/ most other people D: Judging by your application, you only seem to play for the admin rank; I waited three months to get my trial! you need to be patient... patience is the key to life ;)
  9. I get around 300kb/s on rad, when my download is 2.8mb :D I must have a decent connection to the server then!
  10. No sense of humor FearZ :( Anyway, I don't know you, but hopefully you're on the deathrun server so I can get to know you better! :>
  11. This guy D: is too bad to me even trial worthy :< Anyways, on a serious note, he's a nice guy, good skill (still not as prew as me though ^^) and follows the rules pretty well, and can tell the other players the follow the rules when an admin isn't present! Good luck Pulse, hope you get in :>
  12. I can always teach you! ;) I'm very scared of heights, and if that happened to me, I would've literally of had a panic attack, the first time I went on a plane in 7 years was December 27th 2013, Luckily we had no turbulence, because if we did, I would of literally shat myself ;_; Well, I'm very glad you're okay! I hope everything's swell and what not :) Wb Dark :P
  13. This is my all time achievement on Raid <3
  14. hai hai Ben :> I've already seen you on the server, so, lel, hai :) (i r nub at dese reply's to introductions ;_;)
  15. Twix my neblet! hello, it's been too long! :)
  16. Good luck mate! You're definitely trial-worthy!
  17. Sup

    Welcome to the forums, I look forward to seeing you in-game!
  18. this one time I was walking when I saw two hobos fighting in the back of a Denny's parking lot, then Bill Nye exclaimed, "There's a snake....." while pumping a radioactive pump, meanwhile a huge throbbing heartbeat that could shoot Seabass, started shooting Seabass because he ate the special seabass diamond which was located in a woman's purse that was heavily loaded with Uzis and marshmellows with chocolate sauce. Suddenly, a hungry Bear died because he ate the grass which had
  19. I could do some speedruns and crap on there, overall I think it's a descent idea, but what sentrex said, we need enough people to support it, i'll help to contribute ^^ ;)
  20. Welcome to the community! you play deathrun I see? I'll be sure to rek ya on there den ;)
  21. Hey! welcome to the forums, and I hope to see you on the deathrun server! I know you'll enjoy your stay :>
  22. this one time I was walking when I saw two hobos fighting in the back of a Denny's parking lot, then Bill Nye exclaimed, "There's a snake....." while pumping a radioactive pump, meanwhile a huge throbbing heartbeat that could shoot Seabass, started shooting Seabass because he ate the special seabass diamond which was located in a woman's purse that was heavily loaded with
  23. Good luck mate! he's generally a very nice person, and is quite good at deathrun, but make sure to keep posting and stay active on the forums! You're a nice guy, and one of my dearest friends, i'd really like to see you become admin!
  24. Bumba is active on the deathrun server quite a bit! Good luck, and I hope to see you become admin.