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Posts posted by Zack

  1. What Rohan actually said, God gave us chickens for a reason :dave:


    1. It does got meat


    2. It does got eggs


    And with those eggs a chicken can grow :facepalm:, do you really think chickens will die out because humanity eats chicken? I don't think so and its even impossible lol.


    And about the meat, its very healthy for us to eat chicken because it got protein and iron dust

    implying there's a god. hueheuheuheuhe preparing for shitstorm! 3...2....1! SHITSTORM GO!


  2. I really am enjoying the fun server.  I've never sniped in any COD game prior to joining RAID but on a couple maps I use it exclusively.   I do not see myself playing the deathrun server as for some reason it doesn't appeal to me.   Is there a description somewhere that describes the other servers in detail?

    Deathrun is a classical mod in which a single player fights alone against the other team, his only weapons are his deadly traps. The players in the opposite team have to kill the activator after finishing his course without dying.


    Call of Duty: Combined Operations is a big mod project for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare with one goal in mind. To give players the possibility of using weapons from many of the later titles, like Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 2 and Ghosts.


     You can read up more on this mod at


  3. Answers to your questions -


    Number 1- The IprintlnBold function prints on the players screen. If you use self IprintlnBold, yes, it only prints the message to the player that triggered it.



    For your second question, instead of manually giving the activator xp, just use the addTriggerToList function:

    thread AddTrigsToList();
    addTriggerToList( name )
       if( !isDefined( level.trapTriggers ) )
          level.trapTriggers = [];
       level.trapTriggers[level.trapTriggers.size] = getEnt( name, "targetname" );

    Just make sure to take out any you don't use/add more. And change trigger_trap1, trigger_trap2, etc, to whatever your trigger names are. This function manually gives the activator xp, when the trap is activated.


    Same thing for your teleport, just add the teleport trigger to list, and boom, there's the xp.


    And, finally. You needed an endroom script, so here ya go, just change all the trigger names and the name of the script. and you're good to go:



    level.bounce_trig = getEnt( "trigger_bounce", "targetname");
    jump = getEnt( "bounce_jumper", "targetname" );
    acti = getEnt( "bounce_acti", "targetname" );
            level.bounce_trig waittill( "trigger", player );
            if( !isDefined( level.bounce_trig ) )
            level.ak_trig delete(); //change this
    level.snipe_trig delete(); //change this
    level.old_trig delete(); //change this
    level.inferno_trig delete(); //change this
            if(isDefined(player) && isAlive(player)) //checks if player is defined and alive
                player setPlayerAngles( jump.angles );
                player setOrigin( jump.origin );
                player takeAllWeapons();
                player giveWeapon( "knife_mp" );
                player giveMaxAmmo( "knife_mp" );
                player switchToWeapon( "knife_mp" );
            if(isDefined(level.activ) && isAlive(level.activ)) //Checks if level.activ is defined and activator is alive
                level.activ setPlayerAngles( acti.angles );
                level.activ setOrigin( acti.origin );
                level.activ takeAllWeapons();
                level.activ giveWeapon( "knife_mp" );
                level.activ giveMaxAmmo( "knife_mp" );
                level.activ switchToWeapon( "knife_mp" );
                iPrintlnBold( " ^1" + + " ^7has chosen Bounce Room" );
            while( isDefined( player ) && isAlive( player ) )
                wait 1;
                iPrintlnBold( + " has Died.");


  4. Hello guys, I recently decided to start up a channel which is going to include basically, anything with my gaming life such as League, Cod4 deathrun, codjumper clips, etc. Anyways, the point is that i'm going to be starting a tutorial series on anything Cod4 related. Such as Cod4 radiant, how to script different things like double bounces, moving things, different cod4 menu scripting, etc. If you guys have ANY requests on anything, you can post it here, and i'll try my hardest to make a tutorial on that.


    Tutorial 1- Installing the Modtools


    Tutorial 2- The Basics of Radiant


    Tutorial 3- Compiling your Map



    Tutorial 4- Custom Textures and Teleports



    Tutorial 5- The Basics of Scripting CoD4



  5. Yeah but he didnt make the map xD. and overall darmuh is checking moddb very often so he knows when new maps are there.

    This is a suggestion thread. He wants the map added to the server, so he thought he'd ask here, which you are supposed to do when you feel a certain map should be added to the deathrun server. It's not like he made the map, just he likes it and wants it to be added.
