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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYTDx7Uyc74
  2. What Waffles is trying to say is... MAKE THEM HARDER!! :angryarnold: ;)
  3. Got the last one of the HARD ones :3 Picture 6: "Started by .exe, 20 May 2014" not "19 May" :D WHERE'S MY PRIZE??
  4. Not on the Internet... and not with my level of stubbornness >.< past knowledge advises me to accept and move on. Although I admire your will-power and determination to get your points across. Most importantly, in a collected manner. ;) Lossy is Lion though! I wouldn't dare... no, not ever. He has all the courage in Oz to back himself up :( I... I just have an oil can that doesn't even work :okay:
  5. I got it from the beginning but was too afraid to speak against big, mean King Lossy :okay:
  6. Waffles, just a suggestion for the poll. Take out 1 day cuz it's just :dumb: and make 2-3 weeks an option. In my opinion, 1 week is a bit on the short side, and a month is a bit on the long side. :D
  7. *many fucking "discussions" by Staab.
  8. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij8msV4jugY
  9. Answer the question Cat, then the link magically appears :troll:
  10. :happycry:
  11. Since I don't know jack-shit about mapping, I can tell you from a purely aesthetics PoV... it is beautiful. :)
  12. *You're always making me laugh ;)
  13. aka: Nothing else I remembered :troll:
  14. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=658869340826926&set=vb.199098633470668&type=2&theater Now they just need to make one about colour and favourite :dave:
    1. Anti


      Color* Favorite* Learn to English rest of world


    2. iMtroll
  15. I felt this had to come to an end at some point, so might as well do it now... it's been a great journey, I won't deny that. Good bye http://prntscr.com/5dmjp4

    1. Cloudy


      Oh thank fuck for that...

    2. Anti


      @Tinman, eh, could be more

      @Cloudy, should have turned off your electricity as well. Since would be equally effective if not more than covering your eyes with sound off :troll:

    3. Tinman


      Chickened out of clicking it http://prntscr.com/5dn47t ;-; (Cloudy, this one is a screamer ;)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  16. THIS IS LITERALLY UNHEARD OF!!! http://prntscr.com/5dfnn6 1mb/s!! OMG

    1. Anti


      Simon hacked Africa's internet to get the best speed there, shame on you

    2. Headdy


      Wofles.. 1/8=0.125, and that's close to 111kb/s. so his speed is 1MB/s.

      Have fun with the new rotation man!

    3. jwofles
  17. I think I need to teach you a thing or two :3 I was in a rather large (still active) PC trickshotting clan back in the day with MW2. It's really fun and although it's very difficult and boring on CoD4, it's ever so possible on MW2 and BO2. I am ofc talking about yawspeed and not fucking mouse trickshots.
  18. Wrote my last exam today, finally finished after 2 weeks. Now I go on holiday.. while you fukers thought you were cool with "Summer break" or something :dave:

    1. Anti


      Classes are too easy, essentially always on holiday

    2. just_indian


      Isn't it summer time in south Africa?

    3. Tinman


      Yeah! But we are off now until late January :D

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  19. I did vote, but don't expect it to influence the outcome much as I have only really played about 7 of these maps :okay: Rather than let someone tell me what are good maps for them I just voted for the ones I have played or a name (darmuhv2) that sounded nice :dave:
  20. Without turning this into an argument, I'd like to "defend" myself from your claims. It was obvious to you NOT to me. I couldn't care what you were like when you were new to the Internet because you are not me, and will not behave or see things the same as me. The url was no different from any other url I had seen, maybe to you it was obvious but all I saw, was a .scr (in my head a screenshot) and it was coming from Waffles... the main person I'd expect it to come from. It has EVERYTHING to do with being new to the social aspects of the Internet! After only ever chatting with my CLOSE friends online on Facebook, Whatsapp etc... to come to Steam (only made account in August) and forums (in July) I was and kinda still am new to this part of the Internet. I have learnt my lesson however, and now I won't ever do such a thing again. This is my first encounter with a scam/virus and didn't know the appropriate way to handle it. Thankfully, I do now :) I was merely following the recommendations of someone else who I had assumed had success with. I did not expect it to do anything, I just thought I'd give it a go, nothing to lose. http://gyazo.com/2a29f4c6bd2794c9f7dff472d92346db A few of you seem to think that everyone on the Internet must have the same amount of knowledge regarding what and what not to click but the reality is that they don't. Not many people stay online for as long as you do, and not many care or are aware of the consequences of clicking such a link; which to them, is perfectly safe. Please broaden your perspectives, and understand that not everybody is as experienced as you and they are certainly not "stupid" because of it.
  21. You guys need to realise that I'm relatively new to the social aspect of the Internet (minus Facebook) and so I don't have much experience to help me decide whether something is safe or not. Understand that (somehow I don't have a virus but that's another story) if I had a virus... that would have been the FIRST virus I would ever have had. I DON'T know how to handle these situations NOR how to prevent it. At least now I do, this whole ordeal was my teacher, teaching me the ABC's of the Internet the hard way. Another point: If it had come from ANYONE else but Waffles, I wouldn't have clicked it... The "WTF DUDE" was just the kind of message I'd expect to see from him. Also take into consideration that I hadn't seen anything like this before, and I know I'm stupid with this shit, but I do not know how "clever" some of these things are. Such that it can impersonate someone else. It was all new to me.
  22. I've been waiting around for 10 days for Steam Support to unlock my account... I read somewhere that 48 hours is the average response time :okay:
  23. Where were you BEFORE I was stupid and clicked It? :dave: